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People used to talk about hyperbitcoinisation as if there were a doubt. Doubtful its day would come or if it was even a thing. Until those years, people had romanticised the idea of it. Others believes it would bring forward a mad-max state and the end of the world as we know it. Bitcoin however awoke many in the 2010s and 2020s to the injustice that exists in the world, given the world's economy had been resting on a select few's shoulders. If you were a time-traveller living through this time again, you would remember this period vividly. This was a time when every single day the press and people were panting like puppies, waiting for their next labour-market or inflation number being 'fed' to them.
People had quite literally become domesticated by monetary policy, the Federal Reserve and big government. It didn't take long for those with increasing abilities to become cognisant that these institutions were no longer working in the best interests of its citizens. If not after 2020, then certainly by the end of the 3 painful years of 2026, 2027 and 2028. The true battle was not against a foreign adversary, but against individuals and their minds themselves. To stop them from adopting Bitcoin given it was gaining strength from fiat monetary policy. Bitcoin's ascent would come regardless.

ℹ️ Note: This is my first attempt at fiction'ary here on SN. Inspired to finally post it by @plebpoet's SN post on the positive impact of fiction. something to look back-on hilariously for entertainment. But bear with me whilst I try to set the stage for a potential era of hyperbitcoinisation... including with graphics. If you prefer just discussing your own vision for hyperbitcoinisation, feel free to join the discussion on this SN post instead.

Stage A. Inflated Expectations

December 2022 > November 2025
People thought that the inflation that roared into life in 2021 would not be toppled for years to come, only to witness double-digit inflation show it's face again in the second half of 2024. Thanks to massive injection of global liquidity worldwide starting Q1 2024.
You needed not look further than the M2 money stock of the Top 5 most traded currencies at the time, the USD, CNY, EUR, JPY, GBP - adjusted into dollars. A new printing frenzy happened in 2024, marked by the 3rd grey triangle illustrated, with the total stock of these currencies reaching a top of 200 trillion dollars just 14 years later. More than doubling in that time. Such a figure acted like a wall however, with both the market and hyperbitcoinisation later forcing what was left of these countries into adopting the asset and into complete currency reform.
During 2025, inflation briefly pierced 14% officially YoY or 20% - when using more accurate methods to calculate necessary goods & services. This led to even more extreme distortions in everyday life, with more and more of 'modern' society speculating beyond their means - be it with meme stocks on-top of corporate 'blockchains' (i.e. intranets), companies rebranding themselves to NDIV-AI, or even cigarettes, gasoline and used cars being stockpiled as a means of 'getting ahead' of others. People were doing nothing more than just surviving.
In spite of it looking like a small blip on the chart between 2020 and 2026, you can see the drastic change of pace in UK retail prices, with a basket of retail prices doubling from 1k to 2k:
📊 The chart above combines official UK Parliament data via this report between 1750 to 2011 with pleb-like extrapolation / guesswork.

Mainstream press speculated that the teeny-weeny bull market of 2020/21 would never be repeated. Only to witness every Tom, Dick and Harriett trading options & puts as third jobs by the end of 2025. This led to restrictions around who was able to trade and not - with many traders needing to evidence themselves as 'professionals' or high net worth individuals in order to access their capital after the exuberance disappeared.
The bull-market top of 2024/2025 was signalled shortly after November 2025 when Elon declared that $DOGE was on-track to being the next world reserve currency due to its micropayment capabilities for X and for Tesla, only 24 hours before the entire protocol went offline a day later due to meme Monday clogging it's "blockchain". Teslas were undriveable and X was inaccessible during this time, causing panic for stock markets, investors & all manner of businesses worldwide that were dependent upon it for 'sentiment analysis'. One Friday, saw the biggest drawdowns in market-making history.
This time was also categorised by the suspiciously-contrarian investor Jim Cramer claiming Bitcoin's price appreciation was a 'sure thing' and that remortgaging homes into Ark's 5x leveraged A.I-infused Bitcoin ETF was a matter of national importance and patriotic duty. Given the rapid appreciation of all other assets, and the even more pronounced leverage that was funnelled into the system, there were now 120 paper claims for every $1 in the system by the end of 2025. With an explosion of derivative contracts and leveraged ETFs without underlying insurance to cover those claims. With everyone rushing to the dollar exits at the same time, the unwind of almost all financial assets globally came within hours. Prices of retail goods even fell, so that by 2028 they had fallen to match those observed in 2019. But not for long.
The "everything bubble", as it was described soon after, took the heat-off Bitcoin in many respects. With the monetisation of everything, liquidating anything else other than Bitcoin was very slow work. People soon understood the value of a bearer asset that you could liquidate in minutes. But first not without the price of the asset taking one of it's usual beatings into 2026...

Stage B. The Slump

December 2025 > January 2029
One side effect of this financial collapse was the accelerated obsoletion/replacement of many major political currencies worldwide, at least in their traditional form. Replaced in favour of their more modern programmable alternatives. The premeditated & somewhat staged economic collapse that followed, prevented most citizens from spending their 'gains' into the real economy. Even with those still owning some assets on paper. Bitcoin drew-down from $450k to $60k over this period. Yet at the same time people were met with the introduction of 'unrealised capital gains' on assets. With the IRS issuing tax statements for the value of paper Bitcoin gains from 6 months prior. It also saw the 'patriotisation' of Bitcoin via ETFs and MicroStrategy stock as 'prepayment' of those taxes. The ultimate recognition of Bitcoin's value to the world, Bitcoin was being coerced out of individual suckers tax payers hands and was now recapitalising the new financial system.


The evolution of fiat into CBDCs saw to them being described initially as 'inflation-proof' by allowing each unit of currency to have conditions of purchase. Being only tradable for certain products, services and quantities of each. This was their only means of existence. The timely introduction, during the years of 2026, 2027 and 2028, a period of economic turmoil, created a sudden stop to the incredible price accumulation for nearly all assets over the short term. Prices had overshot and so they oversunk, becoming around 20% lower in 2029 compared to 2019. For the average person, it was very disorientating.
Many people adopted CBDCs via the carrot initially, first out of novelty with their trials and then out of necessity. Only for governments soon to be incentivising their use via the stick method. In many locales, politicians promised not to go this route however, distancing themselves from the Chinese socialist model in favour of their own approval ratings. CBDCs in the latter part of the 2020s however allowed more and more control of private resources worldwide, including both property and people. Capital and immigration controls were intense during those years. The years up to 2030 were so chaotic and painful for many, that people wrote about them in general as the "lost decade". But this time wasn't at all lost for Bitcoin.
Increasing misallocations of capital created large waves of unemployment in all countries within 24 short months, particularly for those countries that had benefited most during the industrial era. This led to huge drawdowns on stocks and an almost worldwide-ban on 'short selling' by retail investors. The collapse temporarily reduced prices quite significantly. The onset of new automation technology took the fall for the collapse and people's dependency on the state, rather than people pointing the finger at the price of money itself and those in control of it.

Battle for Minds

Corrupt politicians and people of power sought to domesticate their pets, by packaging-up news and nutritional needs with sub-standard fake sludge. Subsidised life by the state, if you did as they pleased. Many saw through it. Being in such a privileged position, it was popular for governments to blame foreign adversaries for all manner of issues worldwide - be it climate, shortages, unemployment, hunger, data leaks, internet outages and more, but it was their own citizens that they were focused on. Preventing them from a monetary uprising. Many subconsciously forgot just how much transpired during those years, with a new so-called 'crisis' unfolding almost every quarter. Censorship, AI-modified content, fact-checking, internet domain takedowns and permissioned social media became the norm. And in that environment, foreign / global conflict was seen as a more favourable scenario for politician portfolios than witnessing the GreatER Depression unfold in it's entireity around the world. Large nation states needed such a conflict in order to write-off big portions of their debt.
To many however it was a surprise to see such a moronic mindset and abhorrent actions surface themselves, despite having been predicted to arrive as early as 2026 by Star Trek decades prior. It wasn't until the end of 2028 when this became unavoidable for all. Global conflict helped distract and suppress people's inflation expectations for some time, all whilst enabling countries to spend and misallocate money like drunken sailors. Drunken sailors with nuclear capabilities.

Tick-Tock Next Flock

Amidst all of this social upheaval and fanfare, a growing number of humble pleb-devs were reclaiming sovereignty in new territories, relocating and retooling to build the next wave of business infrastructure to be adopted for the 2030s. People of higher cognitive and creative abilities were able to circumvent the restrictions imposed on them years in advance of others in the populace. They were trading their time & valuable consumables for a superior asset, amongst each other in smaller communities.
The difficult years of 2026, 2027 & 2028 meant that Bitcoin builders had an extended period of time to batten-down the hatches and hack-away on novel innovations. More so than normal. They did so under the continued mystery of pseudonymous nyms, commissioning alternative means of transport for private meets. At the same time they were introducing privacy-preserving improvements and layers to Bitcoin that would obsolete even the latest CBDC technologies in just a few years. A 3 year bear market was a treat for these underground hermit builders. They had built in these months what would have taken decades, without the distractions of everyday life.

Bitcoiner Innovations in the 2020s

Here were a few innovations that professional punks came up with:
  • They had engineered and normalised offline payments over radiowave on new layers of Bitcoin. Anyone with an old CPU, clothes hanger and a soldering-iron could bootstrap bitcoin circular economies for people in the surrounding 20km radius.
  • They had made mesh networking scalable, profitable & popular once more. People were able to charge for time-boxed access or per GB of data downloaded, with a few incentivised nodes connecting to existing non-commercialised low-orbit satellites for global reach.
  • Nostr had normalised multi-sig and estate planning so that a will of any size could be set-up in less than 60 seconds. It was now considered best practice to select 3 of 5 contacts with whom to share keys with when initialising a new wallet.
  • Payjoin payments were now 95% of the network transactions, rendering chain surveillance vapourware even worse than guesswork in just 6 short months.

Bitcoiner Innovations in the 2030s

  • Zaps were happening in real-life with simple hand gestures. Most adopted the cowboy pistol zap gesture, shooting satoshis from their finger tips whilst miming the words "peow", thanks to the accuracy of accelerometers. Others opted for the spiderman web gesture or the Jay-Pow two-handed money printing gesture. Each had their own unique physical method of zapping, whilst others just reserved them for secret handshakes.
  • Physical Bitcoin gift cards were handed-out for special occasions. Once spent or redeemed, the cards would self-destruct safely, increasing the virality and network effects of Bitcoin.
  • Many Bitcoiners pivoted to privacy preserving hardware, both in digital and meat space, to carry around and shield themselves. They were as powerful as advanced military scramblers, making them undetectable to most invasive spyware on the streets, meaning privacy-minded people were only observable by low-orbit satellites if they wished. Appearing as bright flashes of light by digital cameras, when enabled.
  • Bitcoin transactions had become so commonplace that in some parts of the world, and many people depended on it for their day to day life that many churches now rang a bell each time a new block was mined.

Stage C. Euphoric 2030s

If ever there were a time to define Hyperbitcoinisation it would be in the period that followed, during the 2030s. The world had shaken many of the shackles of government inefficiency, putting to an an end the worldwide restrictions, injustices & 'crises'. The conflict was over relatively quickly by historical standards. This led to the privatisation of much security in society, opening of commerce and aerospace once more - together with novel new technology being deployed by the private sector. Tech that had previously only been accessible to parts of the public sector for 'defence'.
The Bitcoin price chart looked like other rising wedges witnessed in prior maturing assets, with an extremely sharp and rapid appreciation between 2035 and 2038. It reminded many people who study markets of the likes of Apple, Amazon, Exxon, Boeing, Microsoft and others from prior decades.
In the case of Microsoft, Infosys, British American Tobacco & Infosys, assets that are in an exponential trend when priced in flawed-fiat terms sometimes overshoot above the wedge before due to exuberance, before running out of momentum.

Unforeseen Prices

For those preoccupied with price, most thought that Bitcoin priced in dollars at $369k at the end of 2024 was the ultimate top. Others thought the dollar would cease to exist beyond that year. Permabulls speculated that following this bull market, that Bitcoin would never drop below $40k again. It did so towards the end of 2028 with a far longer than expected bear market. 3 years instead of the usual 1.
That said, never in people's wildest dreams, did anyone anticipate that less than a decade later that price would exceed $370,000,000 per each Bitcoin. Not even in a hyperinflationary scenario had people forecast that in sheer purchasing power adjusted for inflation they would be valued at $74 million a pop in 2024 terms. People thought that these sorts of returns were behind a thing of the past.

Nation 'Steak' Adoption

El Salvador's ascent to the very top of international finance was unimaginably fast. What took Hong Kong 40 years from, took Dubai 25 years but for El Salvador it took 16 short years, since they made Bitcoin legal tender in 2021. Other dollarised countries followed suit later in the 2020s, before it became a well-adopted strategy for nations and states in the early part of the 2030s. Countries did not stop there either.
Many adopted Bitcoiner principles alongside the monetary "standard". Forward-looking, growth-focused economies were doubling-down on 'meat space', pivoting away from the communist climate agendas dreamt-up for the 2020s, creating a new market for premium grass-fed meat, called "bitcoin beef". Since their best customers (Bitcoiners) were demanding and purchasing it. Paraguay was first, before Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia followed in the Americas, leveraging and rebranding their livestock on a Bitcoin standard. Ireland, Portugal and Greece ditched the Euro to adopt Bitcoin also, abandoning the euro experiment. Leaving Germany and France to hold Lagarde's drooping bags. The United States had stabilised their currency due to the haul of Bitcoin it had extracted from its citizens over the prior decade but was slowly disintegrating into smaller states once again.
During the early 2030s it took visionaries to abandon the privilege of printing their currencies or utilising the U.S. dollar. But by the end of the decade, countries were being berated for not doing so. What was unthinkable in Bitcoin's first "Quinceañera" was not by the end of it's 2nd 16 year mega-cycle. By 2042, there were protests in the streets demanding for monetary uniform into Satsohis. Everyday people - taxi drivers, nurses, farmers, hospitality and blue collar works were all demanding the Bitcoin standard. Even Nassim Taleb finally pivoted, finally joining the so-called "cult'. Almost all citizens worldwide got their wish, people from everywhere but Canada.
The dollar did lose much of it's purchasing power dating back to 2024, giving up around ~80% in purchasing power over 15 years and 30-40% compared to other smaller political currencies supported by commodities. Technology would soon see to it that the price of everyday necessities would nullify the effects of much of the monetary inflation, as Sir Jeff Booth had theorised. But not without retail prices rising significantly between 2028 and 2038. Individuals were also gaining from their increasing adoption of Bitcoin as a savings vehicle. It would not be long before time would have value once more.
Bitcoin's price appreciation during this time was similar to that during it's early years in 2010 through to 2015. During the final 2 years of hyperbitcoinsation, Bitcoin appreciated over 30,000%, comparable only to the 2 years between 2013 and 2015 (56,000%). What differed this time however was that it was appreciating at the expense of alternative asset classes, not in lockstep with others.
At the time of writing, mainstream opinion has recognised and declared the 2030s era to be one of growth, increasing purchasing power and liberalisation. Or more succinctly the 'Exponential End' of Fiat, rather than the 'Information Age'.

Small and Nimble

Small business was booming throughout the 2030s, with zero barriers to entry, be it for branding, manufacturing, videography, software, ingredients, electronics and more. People were finally able to concentrate on building great products that their communities had wanted, thanks to the incredible utility of programmable open-source bots & locally-run automated intelligence.
Without regulatory scrutiny to castrate these technologies and without potential legal action to tip the balance towards risk rather than reward, being an entrepreneur became simpler once more. The costs of doing business and any potential litigation vanished, there were fewer barriers to entry in the 2030s.
3D printers for electronics made recycling circuitboards from unused TVs, obsolete traffic lights and old mobile phones commonplace. Outdated or previously tethered technologies were being redeployed and re-envisioned by the ambitious youth, transforming off-the-shelf general-purpose machinery into productive customised assets. The increasingly doubling-density of batteries allowed previously tethered operations completely mobile - unlocking new business models. People were deploying server farms and Bitcoin miners at sea, harnessing the power of undersea volcanoes, waves and sea-currents without worrying about excess noise or heat for people in the surrounding area.

Innovation Abounds

All of the ground-breaking robotics, healing health-tech and breakthroughs in energy efficiency and propulsion, combined with having each of our own custom FOSS intelligent assistants to educate each individual based on their strengths and weaknesses - saw to it that human productivity in nearly every corner of the globe witnessed a step change. Commerce became continental once more, after a blip in collaboration globally.
A 10 year rise ensued, all of which was funnelled into an unobstructed anchor of value, making people-potential and productivity parabolic during the 30s. A bombastic "baby boom" that Tuur Demeester had spoken about in the 2020s soon helped improve the demographics of many countries.
The bizarre orchestrated chaos of the 2020s era for any creative or affluent individual, had put an end to the belief in 'big' government controlling people's lives, with people of all ages and backgrounds extremely sceptical of central control, collectively building large trustless or small trusted structures to never repeat the mistakes that had been witnessed in decades prior. The world witnessed the fragmentation of many large countries, with smaller units forming competitive laws. Any man of ability could soon earn a decent living for his family with honest work, whereas in the 2020s each family member had been working multiple jobs to sustain themselves.

Countries Just About Functional

Capital controls of the 2020s for Western and Asian countries had yet to be fully lifted and not all people had yet shaken the view that politicians had a duty and need to subsidise their income. This unfortunately led to the continued degrading of fiat purchasing power, with retail prices going up 5x between 2028 and 2038. Causing more and more people being onboarded to Bitcoin.
United States, United Kingdom and the European Union were not so united anymore at all. Dividing and fragmenting into smaller enclaves based on culture. Whereas people had called "The United States" in the past century, people were now calling them "These United States" once more. Still retaining the flawed political currencies. In-fighting too was still ongoing between states & regions over what portion of the national debts were owned by who and who would pay the bill.
Many states with their absurd actions in the late 20s had stockpiled satoshis and resources to survive for some time still. But they were still mostly dysfunctional. In spite of Bitcoin attracting increasing market and mind-share from entrepreneurs, particularly those building scalable automated businesses, countries were to benefit also from the price appreciation and those that did were extending their shelf life. People were devoting the majority of their seconds to earn in satoshis, despite local CBDC currency no longer being convertible to Bitcoin. People everywhere at once were being educated in real-time of the value of Bitcoin as both a savings and trust-less tool for commerce. Some states were even benefiting from it's ascent on the world stage, more so than their citizens. They were doing so, with proxy companies, getting publicly listed companies to issue debt on international markets in local currency for exchanging into Bitcoin on their behalf. Drastically reducing their wide deficits, without signalling so to global markets.

Stage E. Bitcoin's Lost Decade

Those that adopted Bitcoin in decades prior have in recent years been building new cities, deploying their capital into citadels, education centres, defensive tools and technologies for future generations. The level of investment has been astounding. These individuals and their communities have benefited enormously, not just monetarily, but also in terms of Bitcoin-based principles and community. Hyperbitcoinisation is a time of great spending.
Their values are strong and robust, centered around common truths, nutrition, family and (proof of) work. Bitcoiners have spearheaded an entirely new value-economy, rewarding great work and craftsmanship with a lucrative wage and subsidised living, in ways that government was simply unable. Seeing work of value, Bitcoiners commissioned new works, new buildings and statues. Their only request, for such work to be shared in the public domain, on full display to inspire future generations. Bitcoin elevated pay to be in line with productivity, thanks to both the accelerated obsoletion of monetary debasement, plus the onset of algorithmic altruism and concern for others. It brought restraint to public finances not out of force, but through game theory.

Proof of Work Everything

Bitcoiners still to this day are creating everything of value from anything of little value, thanks to open-source software and nanotechnology. Craftsmanship and aspirational architecture is booming.
Like one of my favourite fictional books (The Diamond Age) foresaw, it is now more important why you create something and how you do so, rather than not what you create. The cultural aspect of what you choose to dedicate your time to is now far more important for all than it was in decades prior.

Superior Returns Elsewhere

That said, the days of superior returns in Bitcoin may well be behind us at the time of writing. Bitcoin may no longer be as favourable as an investment like in years prior. It may be forever money, but there is abundance for Bitcoiners today when spending satoshis. Companies with price to earnings ratios of 60-70 in years prior (meaning it would take 60-70 years of before reimbursing investors) are now priced at 0.6-1.4x earnings. People are more than happy to receive Bitcoin, but the HODL mentality is no longer being encouraged by even the earliest known cypherpunks. It is a time of great spending and investment in our future.


Bitcoin is becoming viewed like gold or real estate was during the 2020s for millennials and GenZ'ers, increasingly unobtainable. An unfashionably boring relic, today's youth are now exhilarated by the face of new holographic garments, micro-electronics and autonomous entrepreneurship using Bitcoin's network. No longer video games and viral dance-moves.
Bitcoin is still sound money, it has certainly done the job of protecting people from the frauds of fiat and will continue to be the preferred method of value transfer for eternity. Bitcoin as an asset however has been commoditised and over-monetised from these last 3 decades now. Now that we're entering the 2040s, it's 4th decade as an investable asset looks set to be one of stagnant growth and purchasing power. Like gold has been during certain eras.
This may seem extremely speculative to predict, but with hyperbitcoinisation now in 2040 in full flow, we may actually see more red than green years in the run-up to 2050. People are investing and deploying their satoshis for the future. The amount of unspent Bitcoin is decelerating fast. Bitcoin has done it's job in bootstrapping this new era of growth for humanity and will do so again in future decades.

The Return of Trust

New trustworthy communities have adopted Bitcoin fully as their collateral, but are now offering their own undervalued growth potential on-top of the treasury asset. These private currencies, including repurposed fiat are backed not-only by 'digital gold', but also include the human potential and growth of their communities to generate a superior return this next decade. The return of trust to our institutions is leading to bull-markets in other areas and assets.

Revaluing Human Time

Some people estimate that a barrel oil is worth between 10,000 & 25,000 human hours of stored energy today, with 35 billion barrels used each year. So 350 - 875 trillion human hours each year.
For Bitcoin, the numbers are more modest but the average hodling period has now crossed below 4 years, with 70% of Bitcoins up until recently not having moved for 5 years, a trend that only now is starting to reverse. Given the ability to work from anywhere, Bitcoin has helped redistribute the worlds wealth increasing the average salary globally from $8,900 per annum in 2020 to in excess of $80,000 p/a by 2040. Adjusted for inflation, wages have tripled globally, levelling the playing field across geographies.
Furthermore, in excess of 5.5 billion people have been utilising it as their primary source of energy storage - their time. Given the shift to an average 4 day work-week, 8.5 trillion new hours are directly being parked per year in Bitcoin.
In addition, the network has absorbed ~80% of historically-stored energy, estimated at $650 trillion of the now $800 trillion of Global Wealth. Adding $31m to the value of each Bitcoin over the last 30 years. At the global average hourly wage of $50 per hour, that's 13 trillion human hours deployed inside the network. Or over 21 trillion total.
Each Bitcoin in total is estimated to be storing over 1,000,000 hours or 650 human years of human productivity. These 'pent-up' hours are now coming onto the market, ready to be spent and redeployed into the economy, for business, infrastructure & for investments. Without any drastic changes to inflation. Being on a sound money standard however, reduced the risk of inflation eradicating that purchasing power. If anything, goods and services were getting cheaper just like Sir Booth said.

Redeployment of human capital & time

Now that every community has sound and solid fundamentals, now that hyperbitconisation is upon us - energy resources too are being redirected away from global hashing power, in favour of new transportation, new opportunities and new human growth potential.

What if Bitcoin is seeing a 'lost' decade?

Question - If this were the case between 2038 and 2048, how would you react and adapt in this environment?
Each Bitcoin may have been worth close to $390million in recent years, but it need not matter, given that hyperbitcoinisation is taking full effect. Every commodity experiences long-term cycles, and becomes overvalued at certain points. Bitcoin itself has witnessed that in prior micro-cycles. Just now it was happening on a grander scale. Bitcoin as an asset may be going through a "lost decade" but as a network it is thriving. Many people are using it without recognising it.
If I was to travel back through time and give advice to myself in the past, I would of course encourage that person to buy more Bitcoin. But I would also be willing to forego and spend much of it building new businesses and communities during the latter stages of the 2030s. During opportune times when Bitcoin had demonetised and absorbed much of the M2 supply, exuberance & premium - which had existed in other assets in decades prior. Our work may not be done as Bitcoiners to repeat the ills of the past, but Bitcoin has brought us back normalcy, stability and fairness.
What we may now be witnessing today is that Bitcoin's vast adoption and appreciation is peaking... at least in fiat value terms. Most of the S curve is behind us. Ahead may be more growth in alternative assets and businesses, but that is thanks to Bitcoin. It's seen to the return of value. The return of a natural business cycle. Superior returns await Bitcoin when deploying capital rather than stashing scarce satoshis.

Reason for posting...

So my question to the fellow pleb readers, what does hyperbitcoinisation look like to you? And will you consider deploying your Bitcoin into the real economy if this thesis is true? When would the humble hodlonaut become a sat-splurger? I would love to know your thoughts below...
I was wondering where @davidw go.
what does hyperbitcoinisation look like to you?
when I can use Bitcoin for everything I need - earning and spending, TBH I could not care less about all the big companies or nation-states adopting Bitcoin, waiting for others to make that happen why not start from yourself.
Most adopted the cowboy pistol zap gesture, shooting satoshis from their finger tips whilst miming the words "peow", thanks to the accuracy of accelerometers. Others opted for the spiderman web gesture or the Jay-Pow two-handed money printing gesture.
Well done, sir! I love this concept. Hope it really happens some day. Peow! Peow!
Until those accelerometers get better we'll just have to content ourselves with these Satomic Discombobulators.
Yeah... See? That's why I made a cup of coffee before venturing into the abyss this post seemed to be, for it is, and it's often cold down there- gotta keep me warm!
Favorite futuristic development: Zapping random people on the street through finger pistols.
Haha that was mine too 👉
It'll make me darn poor, but I'll die a content man...
Briliant! Take my sats!
If you hadn’t noticed, this is isn't much more than unconstructive speculation.
I wrote it for my own entertainment thinking about how would bitcoin do nothing for a decade… I guess the takeaway is I couldn’t see it doing that for the foreseeable. Please read it through that lens though, not as a prediction 😄
That was a good read - nicely done! I enjoyed the little touches especially. Churches, Canada, and so on.
Thanks buddy, appreciate it
The worst people to talk to about Bitcoin are the ones who took economics classes. Talk about “domesticated”. They have full blown Stockholm syndrome. “The government isn’t stealing from you, simpleton, let me explain how they’re boosting aggregate demand and keeping people from hoarding their way into a deflationary death spiral!”
I love watching people come to Bitcoin, question the money, find out we’ve been lied to, start asking questions about food, wars, the media, “conspiracy theories” and realizing we’ve been lied to about that.
Looks interesting, I'll read it on my commute home from the office. Not a fan of market capitalization forecasts and comparison with stocks. Bitcoins can be lost, companies get valued by completely different mechanics etc etc.
I highly doubt if we ever see this happening. Although it's quite visionary and may be we may enter this episode after a century. So, we won't be seeing it. But, yeah, for this to happen we require to put a lot of stress on educatin' masses about the use cases of Bitcoin and co.