Most comments here are very accurate. It will become a truly fair world. Those who produce will be wealthy and store 'time' as a reward for their efforts. Nevertheless, there are some bumps ahead of us. Countries and groups will fight to control Bitcoin wealth and will try to attack those custodians and people who own UXOs... they will go after those who confirm blocks every 10 minutes and it may get ugly and messy for a while Many powerful and wealthy families of today a0re not willing to relinquish their power and influence and will do whatever is needed to destroy Bitcoin's true value: freedom. When rulers will not be able to print more money to finance their wars and corruption, they will do everything to possess as much Bitcoin as possible. By then, fiat will be obsolete and no one will accept it for any real good or service... maybe, in some lost communities, gold coins or collectibles will still retain some value after thorough inspection... All will look at these early days wondering how come it took so long to be globally understood.