I eagerly await new services and functionality, and i occasionally check the roadmap page to see if it's not "under construction" any more.
I know plans and ETAs can be fluid, but is there anything you can share about Start9's current development priorities?
Our development priorities are almost entirely on EmbassyOS. As mentioned in another comment, service development will be almost entirely community lead, and we are very confident this will result in hundreds and eventually thousands of services available on the Marketplace. Regarding EOS development, our roadmap is a mile long, so many incredible things to build that will take many years to realize. At the moment, we are prioritizing full disk encryption, automated backups, clearnet support, and multi-tenancy.
All 4 of those goals are awesome. I think i'm most looking forward to the 2nd and 3rd. Anything you could share regarding which goals you think would be achieved first, and/or what some of the biggest roadblocks are?
(Also, i saw your telegram post about the possibility of getting Joplin working. Excited for that. I tried note-taking via file browser text edit, and that almost worked well enough to replace Std Notes for me. But not quite.)