Let's see how long it'll take for someone to post the link to Darth's Tallis OS article...
Regarding plants and privacy/security, tall shrubs out front might make it difficult for neighbors to see what's going on - burglars prefer not being seen though, so there's a trade-off here.
Spiky plants are great as a deterrent.
Regarding wallet security, you're right about using a simple USB.
I didn't think I'd be writing gardening tips on a Sunday morning, but there you go...
42 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 4 Feb
I forgot about the Westworld theme yesterday but will not forget it today!
42 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 4 Feb
Here it is:
Day 8 of Piano Practice: 2024-02-04-143045.m4a
That was fun to play! It's only the first row of this though:
Btw, how did you get access to the sheet like this? Did you pay for musescore?
I considered paying but their app sucks and I only need the sheets.
I think I am just going to copy the notes I need by hand.
452 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bitman 5 Feb
Btw, how did you get access to the sheet like this? Did you pay for musescore?
Nope, just utilized plain ol' image search.
It did sound you had having fun playing it!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 5 Feb
It did sound you had having fun playing it!
Yes, I like how it's mostly about rhythm. Will continue to learn this song. Might actually not be that hard :)
these are exactly the things I want to see more in SN! little tips and tricks or good practices for solving real-life problems. 👀