I mean to me, it sounds quite obvious. If given the choice between not being a target at all and being a well-defended target, I would pick 'not a target at all' every time.
It's not that easy though. I guess there is a sweet spot of concealment and cover. Having no cover at all is probably pretty stressful; negating the effects of your concealment.
maybe that's why
  • the real rich never wear fancy brands?
  • the real good restaurant often hidden on street corners?
  • the good men is not in social media posting selfies?
I also think this is related to which groups you target. So it's not only about making yourself not a target but also what is your target. Some things act as filters :)
I would pick 'not a target at all' every time.
same, leave me alone!
I guess there is a sweet spot of concealment and cover. Having no cover at all is probably pretty stressful; negating the effects of your concealment.
Some things act as filters :)
many fun things can talk about in the ~security.