Yes, you are free to say "I wish the fantasy world of freedom exists today". You are free to use the wealth of bitcoin to be detached from the world and live an insular life, but if that's your definition of freedom, that was already available, simply in a less cushy way in the Alaskan wilderness -- or in Nazi concentration camps you could be free in your mind according to Viktor Frankl.
Enjoy your LARP fantasy world. Glad you are comfortable. Don't let the lies in your tweet, such as the nonsense you said claiming that I said you had to be part of something, perturb you from your fantasy world.
Do you even live in argentina? Milei is an undercover peronist cause he loves the 90 and said Menem is the best president of the history. My pov? Peronism is the worst thing that happened in argentina. Perón was a dictator and miles wants the powers of the congress to make laws by himself. Also taking the wealth of the people to pay their party is too commie, not capitalist