We all know about VoIP, which is Voice over IP.
Instead of using the old, expensive, dedicated infrastructure for making international calls around the world like we used to do for a long time, most international calls are now done over the Internet for cheap using VoIP.
This is basically the same with money and international transfers. Bitcoin is simply money over IP, so people eventually will end up making international money transactions through Bitcoin instead of the old, expensive, dedicated infrastructure for making international payments, SWIFT.
SWIFT is currently how most international transactions are done:
The global provider of secure financial messaging services
But they seem to recognize that things are changing. Here's one topic being discussed inside SWIFT: Staying relevant in the Fintech world: (translated):
How is international payment traffic changing under the influence of new entrants
We are pleased to invite you to our first onsite event regarding SWIFT Go after a long time. Together with Marc Recker from Deutsche Bank, we will examine the challenges in international low-value payment transactions and discuss solutions.
It's pretty clear to me that the future of cheap, international transactions is destined to be claimed by Bitcoin, either on-chain or through lightning. I just cannot see how SWIFT would be able to compete with it.
SWIFT is utter garbage
it's the main reason to be bullish on BTC and LN
and the fact that BTC is the first open payments standard we have, as you pointed out
imagine if you needed permission of a central authority to use the internet? That's SWIFT when it comes to money
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