We have seen many conversations lately discussing about incertitude and doubts around territories and possible subs. We do have similar concerns, but we try to be ready for the storm to come, and we thought about many possible options:
1- Sub-territories by trade type, so we could replace the existing tags with subs like ~sell, ~buy, ~auction, ~swap ~hire, ~offer, ~free and why not ~reviews and at some stage ~crowdfunding and ~loans? who knows!
2- Sub-territories follow traditional classified categorization based on items type: the most common we have seen are ~Cars, ~Mining, ~Art, ~Music, ~Sport, ~Fashion etc...
3- Sub-territories follow geo localization paths, for example by state first (and city after whenever will be needed). For example, ~America, ~Canada etc and sub-subs like ~Texas for states and ~Austin ~Dallas etc... for cities.
We would like to know what you guys think? how you stackers see the ~AGORA functioning in the future? Which sub-territories you'd like to see? There's really a need for it to exists?
4 votes \ poll ended
I like the idea of having a place to look up something when I need something or get looked up by a post I had.
However, I think the SN community is still way too small. Has a relevant quantity of transactions been made here? Or is it like in the dozens?
Paying for even more territories or stretching this part of the community even thinner isn't improving it, is it?
Thanks @tomlaies, much appreciate your feedback. It's true SN still a small community mostly related to Bitcoin. Anything else out of that doe look have any interest. It's a bit sad, because the tool could be valuable for any community looking to reward contributors. Hopefully its time will come soon, we are working hard for it.
Personally I must confess I muted ~AGORA because it’s not the type of content I am ready to see daily. Too easy to find irrelevant listings for my interests. And I don’t know how to solve that.
I don’t see it working in its current form, with what seems like a forced naming convention & templating. As SN scales I applaud your efforts but I struggle see how that is sustainable. Even with subterritories by region or product interest, I think you might see some similar challenges with only a subset of people engaging in your territory.
I have a view that listings or markets will have more success becoming as a ‘product’ SN post type, kind of like an ‘ad’ today. With courses being tagged as so within the ~devs territory or books for sale within the ~BooksAndArticles space. But perhaps I’m wrong and they’ll post to ~AGORA too.
There are definite merits in promoting more of a circular economy and it’s great to see some people generating some sales this way. It just may be more natural to do so on specific merchant platforms or with native SN functionality. I’m just not entirely sure how you solve that within your territory specifically.
Appreciate your time @davidw sharing these points. All that content has been generated to give life to the territory and the aim to inspire and guide stackers to publish some items. we understand it fail and created much noise and disturbance than actual value.
Am not sure a product-post type will work, we see it more as a new or revamped ad-post time... similar to jobs, where publisher can also add featured image and location in case of P2P IRL item.
I agree it should be possible to add ad-post on specific territories, but if the new territories-as-tag get released properly, enabling multi-territory crossposting it will be also nice to have a territory like the ~AGORA to collect all the ads and enable a more specific search based on other criteria like geolocation 1.
  1. As explained in option #3 above.
I really do think you’ve done an excellent job of expanding the vision of what SN can be. Even if it feels like it’s a stretch with the templates, you’re doing a good job of trying to make it work. We’re all paying attention even if it’s not for my daily feed right now.
An advert very much differs to a product. One involves paying someone to look at your offering. One involves offering organically. That’s why adopting the ad type I don’t believe is the right methodology. But I certainly see how adopting the same flow & parameters could work well with a new SN product or buy/sell type.
I agree, we both are probably saying the same in different ways. In the image Ads has been used with the meaning to advertise offers organically, an opportunity to buy, sell, hire, offer, auction, swap and gift on SN. More like a classified marketplace P2P, NOT like @Ad was doing.
Ii do not see SN being the third party between buyer and seller, so it should NOT be responsible for scams or deal with conflicts and disputes, nor should provide any type of support. Education it's more important and that's why we try to create some tutorials as guidance for the ones in need. SN it's only a tool to enable communication (like a phone) where sellers advertise and showcase products and services. Something @Natalia did with excellence.
Why the nostr integration? Just for this reason, I mentioned above. Now, with built-in WOT (Web Of Trust), it will be easy to build a honest reputation and be part of a trusted network. This is obviously conflicting with the existing zap system SN has in place to build an internal (closed) reputation. Other platforms are building other WOT internal standards. Hopefully we reach a consensus on this too one day.
SN has a huge potential, but feel like a niche close club to be accepted in... I always liked the western flavour that identify SN texanian roots and values, the discovery on new lands, the adventures during the journey.
It will be nice if SN could go global and let people feel the experience to be rewarded for everything they create: from long-format posts, to comments and why not... products and services as well.
I've also muted it. It's very spammy and has tagged me in a few things for whatever reason and I have no idea what it is supposed to be or used for. Not interested, but best of luck. Not sure it's the best place for trying to create a marketplace on top of.
Thanks for your insights @TonyGiorgio. Mentions were more a way to support, re-mention and refer your medium-hard feature request of scheduling posts for territory owners. Not sure has been evaluated, but it will be a great feature to have. It maybe somehow already existing under the hood? ... as I can see some recurring post published at the exact same time every day, like the Saloon. Maybe I'm wrong, but hope to see this feature release asap!
In history, as you probably have seen, it was common to see some newspapers publishing classified before advertising became a market driver thing. Newspapers were the best place for natural man to advertise private P2P services, why not on SN too :) We are trying! Maybe it will fain, but will be (as already has been) somehow rewarding