That thing you're avoiding? (You know the one I'm talking about.)
Today, I want to challenge you to face it. To take a step towards it. To act courageously.
Here's why: the more that you avoid something, the more your anxiety about it will build. And since you have been avoiding this thing for so long, it's understandable that your fear is now through-the-roof.
Remember that this fear you are feeling is not proportionate to the thing you are facing; it has been built through avoidance and it can be overcome through courage.
I promise that it is not going to be as scary as you think it is. I promise you are going to feel so much better after facing it. And I promise that you are brave enough to do it.
Hit reply and let me know what courageous step you're going to take today. I want to cheer you on.
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The most difficult part is always the beginning, after that everything goes smoothly.