pull down to refresh

Yes I realise that I’m preaching to the converted here. However, I inexplicably got two referrals in two days and am earning passive income in the form of sats. This makes me want to go on the offensive to secure more referrals. Intend to post this on my blog and other social media platforms.
One-word intro Stacker News (henceforth known as SN) is a platform where you get rewarded with sats by engaging with thoughtful individuals through posting and commenting.
10 reasons why you should post
  1. Zero startup costs When you use my referral link, you will get several sats to post and comment for free. Use your first post to introduce yourself to the forum. Title it @(your username)’s bio. You will get enough sats from helpful Stackers to help you slay your SN journey.
  2. Get rewarded by commenting Not confident in your writing skills? Fret not. You can dip your toes by commenting on Stackers’ posts. When you offer insights curated from your own perspective, you will get rewarded with sats. Don’t be afraid to say something different. SN has the bandwidth to accept myriad viewpoints put across in a respectful manner.
  3. Get rewarded via the rewards pool Commenting on posts is the first layer in gaining sats. Every day, the rewards pool dispenses sats to the top posters and commentators. So, when you are one of the first few to comment on something, you will be showered with sats. This is the second layer of getting sats.
  4. Get rewarded in the future When you comment on other sites, you find that they typically elicit responses for a day or two before they die down. But the beautiful thing about SN is that your comments may be rewarded by others some time after they have been published. I think of it as the radioactive effect. The comments keep pumping out sats, albeit at a slower rate.
  5. Get rewarded via referrals When you get someone to join SN, you will receive 2.1% of all sats received by him/her. Nothing more heartening than receiving passive income - enough to pay routing fees
  6. Cheap and fast withdrawals Not that withdrawals are expensive in the first place. I regularly withdraw thousands of sats without having to pay routing fees. Otherwise, I just pay 1 sat to have my sats transferred to my Lightning Network. Withdrawal takes less than a minute, which makes it a transaction you can do on the go.
  7. Post a link Okay, so you have spent some time and are ready to put yourself out there. You can take this baby step by sharing the link to an article that you find interesting. Sharing of links garners sats, but you may find that offering a summary as well as your reflection on your article will boost your chances of getting sats.
  8. Post about what you know You may be a novice at Bitcoin, but you surely know quite a bit about something. Find the most appropriate territory (what forums are called on SN) and post away. From education and economics to health and music, you can get rewarded by sharing your expertise and passion for your favourite topics.
  9. Learn from the engagement At some point in time, you will notice that you care about the comments as much as the sats. That’s because people generously share their opinion on your post. My mind has been enriched by different outlooks on life. It gives me cause to reflect on my values and brainstorm of ways to incorporate their well-meaning suggestions into my life.
  10. Hold on to the cowboy hat Yeehaw 🤠.
You will understand why I made this comment when you stay here long enough ☝️
  1. Get rewarded via the rewards pool Commenting on posts is the first layer in gaining sats. Every day, the rewards pool dispenses sats to the top posters and commentators. So, when you are one of the first few to comment on something, you will be showered with sats. This is the second layer of getting sats.
The type of reward is randomly chosen every day. It can be based on top posts/comments or on zapping posts/comments.
Nice catch. Will edit this portion
I forgot to mention that when the reward is for zapping, there is a bonus reward for zapping early.
I ❤️ SN
And I love your book musings too
151 sats \ 1 reply \ @KLT 7 Feb 2024
Bullish as fuck!
Yeehaw 🤠
I love when I get to tell other Bitcoiners about stacker News because everyone loves the idea of a Reddit like platform where the good posts earn SATs.
And even pre-Bitcoiners think it's a cool idea.
And now with the #100ADayTill100k hotel even more connected to this community.
#StackSATsGetFit #BetterMoneyBetterBodies 🍊💊⚡
It’s cool how you marry physical fitness with financial wealth xP
Why spend all your Bitcoin on healthcare?
You've learned well and in such a short time. It took me longer to really get SN after I found it.
A couple of extra suggestions:
  • Pop into the saloon to see what people are up to and share what you're up to
  • Poll the community on topics that interest you
Cool! You made me realise that I have never polled the Stackers here before. I shall do it soon haha
Yeehaw🤠 I'm holdling it.
I sense your strong will!
The reward pool is where I like to stay in everyday if I could. I love learn from engagement part too because it gives me a whole different perspective on topics
I swear the happiest moment of my everyday is when my rewards come in haha
When you do all the 10 steps you become a Sat Whale on SN
I don’t wanna overpromise and underdeliver haha
Zero startup costs When you use my referral link, you will get several sats to post and comment for free. Use your first post to introduce yourself to the forum. Title it @(your username)’s bio. You will get enough sats from helpful Stackers to help you slay your SN journey.
One of the best way to onboard newbies is to let them post and earn sats before they start paying sats for comments, posts, zapping and the likes
Yup best way to get newbies take their first baby step. I was once a newbie; I should know haha
I trying to start earning from referrals
Good luck mate
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.