A) This shows clearly the benefits of having a non-KYC stack B) It's only a taxable event if you declare it 😉
Ha.. agree, yet, if you want to have mass adoption, this is not the fix. I would love to live in a world where "social media" is a Value4Value economy instead of an attention economy.
Ok course it is the fix. Mass adoption will happen precisely when people will understand that Bitcoin can allow them to not paye taxe, or less at least.
Do not care about what sleepy Joe wants, you don't owe him anything, he can't trace millions of micro tx, so enjoy and stop asking for permission particularly when you don't need to
don't tempt them. they have all our money and love wasting it on frivolous shit. poke the bear too much, and they may retaliate.
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B) It's only a taxable event if you declare it 😉
Or if they find out. Or if they suspect hard enough, and demand that you prove it to them, in the boiled-frog manner the IRS has turned into an art form.
Which gives even more force to your first point.
A) This shows clearly the benefits of having a non-KYC stack
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Krv 7 Feb
Most people would evade taxes if they knew they could get away with it. Even those who nag you about your responsibility to pay.
I bet, especially those people. :)