I’ve been reading more about sales and product discovery from a user/customer perspective. This was a great article that dives into how conversion funnels work.
“Conversion funnels are a fundamental concept in sales. Personally, I like to visualize the funnel as that big scary slide you wanted to try as a kid. You saw your friends whizzing down, which sparked your interest. You watched how much fun they were having, doing your research. And then the benefits of having fun outweighed your fear, so you climbed up and flew down.“
I can explain this very well from my national psyche perspective. In Singapore, we have a kiasu spirit. This means that we are afraid to lose out to others. If we see people queueing up for good food, you betcha we will do likewise!
Good analogy, thanks for sharing
As an EE I always see these and think about efficiency losses from various stages of power conversion.
The key lesson in both cases is: fewer steps is always more gooder.