I agree, we both are probably saying the same in different ways. In the image Ads has been used with the meaning to advertise offers organically, an opportunity to buy, sell, hire, offer, auction, swap and gift on SN. More like a classified marketplace P2P, NOT like @Ad was doing.
Ii do not see SN being the third party between buyer and seller, so it should NOT be responsible for scams or deal with conflicts and disputes, nor should provide any type of support. Education it's more important and that's why we try to create some tutorials as guidance for the ones in need. SN it's only a tool to enable communication (like a phone) where sellers advertise and showcase products and services. Something @Natalia did with excellence.
Why the nostr integration? Just for this reason, I mentioned above. Now, with built-in WOT (Web Of Trust), it will be easy to build a honest reputation and be part of a trusted network. This is obviously conflicting with the existing zap system SN has in place to build an internal (closed) reputation. Other platforms are building other WOT internal standards. Hopefully we reach a consensus on this too one day.
SN has a huge potential, but feel like a niche close club to be accepted in... I always liked the western flavour that identify SN texanian roots and values, the discovery on new lands, the adventures during the journey.
It will be nice if SN could go global and let people feel the experience to be rewarded for everything they create: from long-format posts, to comments and why not... products and services as well.