Timely post. And well written - especially all the references. Thanks for that!
You ask:
...what would it mean, to you, for SN to be flourishing? If you came back in a year, what would you see if it were?
It certainly deserves some deep thinking and probably a corresponding measured response. Which is ironically not what this is. Instead: just a few thoughts that have been "rolling [...] around in my mind" for some time.
SN is FOSS, great. But to what degree? Sure, you can read the code and contribute to it if you're so inclined. The part that is less "FOSSy", is what your questions allude to in my opinion, namely the path forward. It's difficult to know how to get there if "there" is mostly undefined. For reference: just consider the amount of posts (lately?) dealing with ways to game earn rewards. Or cowboy hats. I see these as growing pains, so I hope to see less of that in a year's time.
consider the amount of posts (lately?) dealing with ways to game earn rewards
I'm sure that I'm one of the guilty parties here, but the posts that come to mind for me are generally either someone relatively new who's really excited about how cool SN is or more seasoned stackers who feel like others might not be getting as much as they can out of their SN experience (and that SN would be even better if they did).
I agree, though, that there should be fewer posts like that as the site matures. If onboarding new stackers gets more streamlined, the already existing posts can become more evergreen.