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First of all, two splinters of thought after first viewing Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin:
  1. The rifts that have opened up seem to me to be so deep between the different spheres of power that it will probably take a whole generation and a geopolitical thaw to fill in these rifts. It is all very reminiscent of the Cold War. But there clearly is no intention of an attack on other countries as the Mainstream is penetrating. The Neocons and their friends in the UK will have to choose a different level of provocation.
  2. We will have to get used to the fact that there really will be a multipolar world order, which the Chinese, Russians and their allies are working on at full speed. It was not least the expropriation of the Russian National Bank in the course of the Ukraine affair that increased this pressure even further and made everyone involved aware of the necessity of building an alternate settlement system. The end of the Petrodollar will redefine the principles of global trade and the USA will lose the opportunity to recycle Dollars in the world - a big deal if You have the debt spiral in mind.
  3. What will happen to us Europeans? The changing spheres of power bring the central aspect of economics into focus: who controls the collateral of trade. It is really all about collateral, the rest is deduction of it. Fiat money and government bonds based on it are being replaced by gold and energy equivalents in the BRIC countries. The age of commodities is dawning and Russia is the No. 1 producer of raw materials! All that remains for the Eurozone Europeans is a desperate attempt to keep their ''partners'' at the emptying negotiating table. But their lever, the ''net zero policy'', is losing credibility and traction as more and more people see through the naive scam.
The lesson: morality and climate apocalypse are neither economic collateral nor do they serve as a stable settlement layer of a complex economy. A storm is brewing. And it is not a russian attack on european countries as far as I understood Putin.
PS: The meltdown of the mainstream press is all too delicious. Popcorn time!
Here You can see the full interview: https://tuckercarlson.com/the-vladimir-putin-interview/
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But there clearly is no intention of an attack on other countries as the Mainstream is penetrating.
Because Putin said so? Putin and other Russia officialls also said they will never attack Ukraine, before attacking Ukraine. In interview Putin especially mentioned two countries he is not interested attacking - Poland and Latvia. So likely they are next targets. Btw, about Latvia he wasn't even asked about. And if you listen to Russian mainstream media, in talk shows they for some time openly talk about attacking Poland and Baltics (check out this YouTube channel - Russian Media Monitor).
There are several reasons why this won't happen:
  1. Putin has the control over the extreme right in his country so far
  2. the Russian leadership is nowhere near as aggressive and stupid as certain other states that are destroying their own country in permanent interventions.
  3. Putin has never pointed out that it is about Russian geopolitical interests outside the Russian-held areas of Ukraine.
4 the primary concern in the Donbass is to secure coal and gas reserves. this has always been the strategic background to all the conflicts in the region
  1. the persistent penetration by the propaganda media that Russia has an interest in invading other European states already makes the argument suspect
  2. Russia could never hold a military position in a European state
You are assuming that Putin isn't liar and is acting rationally from Western point of view, both of which are false.
i look at the world from the greatest possible distance. i am not a party to any war as a free individual. all these state representatives are liars. or do you seriously believe that the numerous wars that people like George Bush Bill Clinton or Barack Obama have started or even this completely stupid current president in any way justify millions of civilian collateral damage?
Not all state representatives and politicians are equally evil. Russia is and has always been more evil than average country. Even under democrat Yeltsin they started and participated in multiple wars (Abkhazia 1992, Transnistria 1992, Chechenia 1994).
Good and evil are not categories in which I judge politics. we do not live in a binary world! that is too simple - things are much more complex and Russia has been deliberately constructed by the western media as the realm of evil. it is the ever-popular foreign policy enemy that the British and neocons from America use to activate their partners in Germany, France and other countries. Russia is the most resource-rich country in the world - that is its problem and its strength
But there clearly is no intention of an attack on other countries as the Mainstream is penetrating.
What leads you to conclude this?
There are several reasons for this:
  1. the Russian leadership is nowhere near as aggressive and stupid as certain other states that are destroying their own country in permanent interventions.
  2. Putin has never pointed out that it is about Russian geopolitical interests outside the Russian-held areas of Ukraine.
  3. the primary concern in the Donbass is to secure coal and gas reserves. this has always been the strategic background to all the conflicts in the region
  4. the persistent penetration by the propaganda media that Russia has an interest in invading other European states already makes the argument suspect
  5. Russia could never hold a military position in a European state
PS: The meltdown of the mainstream press is all too delicious. Popcorn time!
When Hilary Clinton made those remarks, then i was sure not to miss this interview..
and the best thing is: last night they put Joe Biden in a press conference for the first time in months. what a disaster, this man is seriously ill. what i still don't quite understand is why they are humiliating this man in this way and whoever follows now. he's finished
It's bizarre how some people say they prefer a man with dementia than a Republican. Reddit is having a field day because this interview.
As a libertarian I have to thank the gods for Bitcoin each and every day. It gives me inner peace not depending on this zoo of lunatics, warmongers and scumbags
Oh, i did miss that
the moment you realize that figures like Joe Biden are installed to show us all our powerlessness is more than illuminating. it's devastating
Specially at that level of dementia.. It’s shameful
Putin did give his jab to Tucker about him trying to join the CIA.
I really enjoyed Tucker's look of stunned bewilderment as Vladmir traced the story back to 9th Century Russia.
But lols aside, it does speak to the different mindset each side approaches the issue from. For the West, this started in 2022, maybe 2014 if we're nuanced, and maaaybe 1991 if we're being charitable. For Russia, it's more like "Well you see this whole trouble began with Batu Khan's invasion 800 years ago..."
yes that's the point and it's becoming more and more obvious that it was the strategy of the western media makers to completely overplay the Russian background and keep people away from looking deeper into the topic. that's why i think Putin tried to do exactly that: to present this historical background in detail even if it was a bit lengthy
One of my biggest takeaways is Putin hinting that the cia is running the show, and all western leaders, directly or indirectly, are their puppets. Anyway, It was interesting to hear the other side.
At ~ :17 Putin lays his watch on the table At ~ 9:11 He brings out documents from the archives
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it is not easy for the majority to remain neutral and insist on peace in the face of the unbelievable war propaganda, especially in the Western media