I agree with all of @grayruby's points, but I like @k00b's idea. I especially like making it user customizable. It's sort of a super chat analogue then.
If we want to keep being mentioned a lot, we can just set it at 1sat and I'm sure no one's going to care about that. If we start feeling like we're getting spammed, then it's better if we can be compensated for that cost of using SN.
Maybe this can lure in some big fish, too.
209 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 9 Feb
We'd leave you the option to keep it 0 sats and most people would leave it 0 I'd think.
But for celebs and stuff, it might help to have a little economic back pressure.
I there is an option to keep it at 0 then it's great.
250 sats \ 0 replies \ @joda 9 Feb
Hmmm compelling.