It's interesting how closely this parallels the conversations we've been having about how to grow Stacker News.
I'm very much in the "proceed with caution" camp, because I don't want the culture we've developed here to be overrun with standard toxic internet behavior. I can certainly see why people feel that way about immigration, even if I don't.
If you want to see name calling go to the thread a few days ago about msnbc. I called Rachel Maddow a lying lesbian which triggered at least one person
That's just true, though. :)
It’s disgusting how much money she makes
I guess this is a shot at me. Another example why we can’t have a conversation about immigration and the rule of law
Have we not been having a conversation about immigration all day?
You might be coming off a bit aggressive, but you've been making real points and you haven't called me any names yet. I'd say that's better than I'm used to on most social media platforms.
Proceed with caution ⛔️
This is how everyone should think about immigration from third world countries