Anyone know why traffic has been so peaking last night and this morning?
the pattern of traffic from last night and this morning looks really strange… haven’t ever seen these kinds of hourly spikes from Reddit traffic.
At first I thought it might be an email newsletter sharing Stacker News, but that seems unlikely too, considering how the spikes in traffic have continued well into today… most email newsletter traffic spikes in one hour and tails off over the next few hours.
we also had some clips made about us last week on snl maybe its being shared...i did hear from a handful of plebs about our take on 9-5 mac thing being interesting commentary
Oh cool. That's probably contributing but this is a lot of traffic and bursts of it (like 5x people than is usual on the site at a given time).
peaking duck
Probably incoming traffic from reddit.
The analytics don't show the origin as being reddit ... but from experience I know they don't always show up as the referrer in Google Analytics, so maybe that's also true on Plausible.
I notice a bunch of posts on /r/LightningNetwork that point here.
Yep, could just be that mix of posts.
Are you sure there isn't some kind of attack going on?
For instance, in the Plausible metrics, for today, Laptop device shows 64% of the counts. Normally that's in the 22% range.
Could be an attack. Could also just be a crawler.