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I used to be so exited to tell everybody I talk to about Bitcoin but now realized that most people are not ready to hear the truth, take self-responsibility but actually like to stay poor. So I conclude with this, I did my part creating a blog full of Bitcoin abc education from why you need it to how to use it properly. But, I am done OrAnGe PiLliNg people, if you cannot orange pill yourself with all the free Bitcoin tools and Bitcoin resources available out there, then f*ck you.
I did my part creating a blog full of Bitcoin abc education from why you need it to how to use it properly
Kudos to you for this effort and I think you have taken the right approach, which is to put up information for interested people to find, rather than trying to actively 'convert' people.
It's also the approach that Buddhism takes btw. Buddhism doesn't seek to evangelise, it just says, we think there's some (profound) truths in what the Buddha taught and if you have any interest we're happy to share them with you but we're never going to push our religion on you.
Thank you, I didn't know that actually
“If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to explain it to you, sorry.”
I totally understand your situation, many of us has been there.
Some people are not ready yet to understand Bitcoin, maybe they don't need it yet, but they probably will in a future.
My advice is, if you still want to help people, create a BTC Meetup in your city, so the people who goes there will be more prepared and willing to try.
Great idea, Start a Bitcoin meetup
I have the same frustration, but..... I have made progress with the Importers in other Countries, they see the problems with ALL fist more than people in the USA. So I am now 90% energy focused on potential B2B customers in other Countries.
But give yourself some credit you did set some "seeds" with the energy you spent with those various "normies".
Good idea, other countries where they need it the most are more willing to learn because they don't have a choise their system is already broken
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear”
200%, thank you!
I OP'ed a relative but then he went ahead and bought the shitcoin I was warning him against — a bitconnect-like scam coin. 😔
I tried, nobody listened to me in 2013. After the US ETF approval several people I told about bitcoin in 2013 reached out and asked where/how to buy bitcoin. Better late than never.
Yeah, but still very early imho, I wish somebody body could teach Bitcoin in 2013
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Exactly right, that was the point I was trying to make, thanks!
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