You can't be orange pilled if you don't know what money is. and you can't know what money is if you haven't sacrificed your happiness just to make a few extra bucks. The painful irony is most of the folks don't even realize how many sacrifices they are making to earn that fiat salary at the end of every month, instead they take a pride in doing so - it is a badge of honor. I use to feel the same way when I left my homeland, my family and acquaintances behind and moved to UK. Thankfully after some hardships i started asking myself why am i doing this? for what? is it really because I have good career prospects if I live in the UK or is it because I want to earn more money than I can back in my homeland, that's when i stopped lying to myself and realized money is what matters, that lead me to doing my research on what money is really and why some countries are rich and some poor.... rest is history and here I am trying to orange pill my family and friends
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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @DeltaClimbs 13 Feb 2024
Cool. You don't know about the 4th function of money, do you?
Lmk, and I can get you orangepilled ;)
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @wassersnaus 13 Feb 2024
take bisq and robosats and teach your home country about self custody and encourage circular economy. the fees they could save on money transfers is substantial