Spent more time in app. Take these with a grain of salt, i.e. only believe the sentiment not the details - I'm representing how I feel accurately, but I might be misunderstanding the facts of things.
  • Walkthrough could be shorter. It was 5 steps and seemed redundant to me. It's challenging and might even be infeasible but ideally there isn't a walkthrough. The UI shows you what you do rather than having to be told. There's a saying in screenwriting: show, don't tell (i.e. narration is red flag).
  • It says welcome back on the first visit
  • When it asks for notifications and I refuse it takes me to the settings app homepage not even settings specific for Fountain
  • Podcast import feature is great! Loved how low that made switching costs
  • Search doesn’t prioritize my subscribed podcasts
  • I’d like the option to pair with my AirPods in app
  • It’d be nice if I started out with some sats. Just like 5 or something so I can experience what it's like to pay a podcaster (I've been thinking of doing this for SN too)
  • QR code to load wallet should be clickable
  • Loved the ease of sats/minute
  • It’d be nice to set a global/podcast level default for boosts that doesn't require me to interact at all
  • Crashed on me 10 minutes in but might be due to me running on low battery
  • Podcast cover image is pixelated and distorted for certain podcasts
  • I couldn’t figure out how to clip podcasts. Perhaps I’m not being patient enough but it says transcribing and doesn’t stop.
    • Even when the UX around clipping approaches perfect, I suspect it's still tricky for a user to edit audio. This is more of a human nature thing than anything else, but I'm usually occupied when I'm listening to podcasts.
      • I'm usually on the move or doing chores or something when I'm listening to podcasts, so stopping, rewinding and editing audio is difficult. Ideally it's as easy as snapping a photo but idk how to actualize this.
      • Again grain of salt, but I think I'd want a big record button I hit to begin a clip, and I hit again to stop ... maybe it already works that way but I couldn't figure it out.
I'll keep using Fountain as my main podcast app and let you know if anything else comes up.
Keep up the great work! Sorry if that is overly critical feedback! I wouldn't mention any of it if I didn't think you'll soon iterate out of each problem.
Thanks @k00b this is all incredibly helpful and we'll definitely work through them all! 101 sats tipped!⚡️