There is also the question of whether the government will allow people's pensions to be wiped out due to a market drawdown, or bail them out with more money printing.
Oh I'm sure they would bail them out. Everyone at working age has a pension plan. And most people would be content with it because they do not understand that bailout money ultimately comes from their own pockets anyway via debasement.
UK wise, defined benefit (final salary) schemes already have a bail out mechanism in the Pension Protection Fund. Other schemes dont, however post covid the principle of the magic money tree is now firmly established in most people's minds and it is inconceivable any elected politian would hesitate if they thought there was near term electoral advantage...
Pretty sure every protection or insurance fund, be it for pensions or bank deposits has limits on size and generally holds enough money to bail out one, maybe two failing institutions.
In case of a systemic failure I'd assume all such schemes to be basically tits up and "please central bank bail us out of our idiocy so we can continue to scam our customers".
Yes, they exist to bail out an occasional or small failure. QE originated due to systemic risk, there's plenty of sources and interviews from the credit crunch where it all began... Systemic failure = its all over, for everyone!