My father cured many people by changing their nutrition. It consisted of stopping eating meat, diary products, fish (what people now call "vegan") plus some medication. There was a woman once who came with an advanced breast cancer (bleeding stage, she was told at the hospital nothing could be done), similarly she began to cure as well (until the moment she started to eat like before). Saying this is not group think and I am not promoting anything, as always I am pro-canibal, pro-raw fish, pro-dog food or anything people want to eat. So please do not misinterpret. I say this if you are interested, since after all it is true and your message was sad. Hope your kids won't be affected.
There was a funny joke about cancer I have watched 10 years ago, the story of someone who began to see things in green and how hairs fell after starting "The Cure". Pretty funny, however it is in French. I paste the link if interested, you could watch it with auto generated subtitles in English:
I apologize if this is not welcome as well.
Thank you - I appreciate this. Will watch the video later, but want you to know we will look at various different treatment options. Don't want to rush into anything, but I also won't wait to pursue the Western treatments.