Interesting at first when seeing Behold Buddha Buds being, Knock all miracle stories away All savor thoughts are hearsay;
Witness instead the Dhamma Upholds an even hammer, Wise and foolish succumb Even fields in consortium;
But it's not just condition arise Nor is it a view to compromise, A practice not in defeat But returning to the calm seat;
Birth, aging, sickness and death The bodies inhabitants bereft, Soul or not has no worries We're left here sharing stories;
There it is, a bud, Of human power could, Beyond the traps of advert Encourage practice, reduce hurt;
Now they do like mocking buds Branches civilized shrouded shoulds, Still there flowing and directing Wise approaching or avoiding;
But this is a practice inside Not one that is outside, Nothing to show anyone else The proof is an internal bell;
Ring it rings or vision Another proof with indecision, Letting go to even part Oxen man leaves his cart.

Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
Not bad. There are places that the words don't read quite like zen for instance:
Of human power could.
There it is a bud, clarity through the mud, Perceiving the mind of right, White wings in the compassion fight
I tried to preserve the syllables with the above example.
Thank you for the interpretation. If this inspires you, please add or subtract. It might be that the voice is important as well so I'm hearing a voice reciting this and that's what the voice has said. There is no wrong voice. I have had a comment about being able to listen to the recitation, and I need to make that happen, too.
There might be a wrong voice, but for the purposes of poetry probably not.
There it is, a bud, Of human power could, Beyond the traps of advert Encourage practice, reduce hurt;
There it is, a bud
You have found the potential for awakening but being human. The Buddha is only a Buddha because he is a human.
Of Human power could
As a human being you have freedom of choice in spite of difficulties. Because you are human and a being.
Beyond the traps of advert
There are plenty of people outside of you who are protugenis. They are advertising their experience in suffering and that is the extent of their understanding. They are human because of a recent awakening but they have a long path ahead and they believe that suffering is part of being superior and to them it is a bit of craft work to sell authority as relief of suffering.
Encourage practice, reduce hurt;
Zen, Zazen, Chen come from Jñana Yoga which shares the same root in Indo-European Gnosis and know. The practice is deliberately finding your center. Where the heart chakra is is where the journey to awakening is managed.
Gate Gate Paragate, Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!
-- From the Heart Sutra
Gate "Gone" Parasamgate "Gone that is beyond" Bodhi "Awake mind" Svaha "The Self" (so be it).