what is still not understood is that the brics bloc covers its currencies with gold
No, it does not! Central bank having some gold reserves doesn't mean it's currency is backed by it.
And I would not even call BRICS a "block". Common, there is both India and China there which literally have military skirmishes on border from time to time.
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have you really missed the steps towards de-dollarization in recent months? that even a country like Saudi Arabia, which was a founding member of the pedrodollar, is now factoring in Chinese currency or rubles? that can't be right. Putin also described this in detail in the interview: the time of recycling the US dollar in all possible regions of the world and the return through US government bond purchases is slowly coming to an end. a shift in power is taking place here on a geopolitical level, which means that even people like Janet Yellen have to travel to China every few months to beg the Chinese to please buy a few billion in government bonds