Happy Valentine's Day! It's disappointing that our holiday devoted to celebrating love does such an inadequate job of it.
Love is not something that is confined to a romantic partnership. It's a way of being in the world.
And there are so many ways to love. You can love through the way you connect, work, and play. Love is how you listen, how you do your chores, how you respond to setbacks, how you treat yourself, how you show up for others — among a million other little moments that can all serve as vehicles for extraordinary love.
Here are a few ways to embody love today:
Do something to make someone happy.
Give of yourself, your skills, or your resources.
Celebrate someone's progress or achievements.
Sit with someone in their pain.
Be there for someone as they go through a challenge.
Simply enjoy another person's company or give them your full attention.
Share something vulnerable, spend time together, or engage in a meaningful conversation to deepen your bond.
Accept someone as they are.