@kr I think you'd enjoy learning about permaculture. They call it food forests. Designing your property to produce life and also be beautiful. Basically a more systematic approach to gardening in the case you describe. We have some fruit trees in our yard and a few herbs. Also a garden.
The reason many want large yards is for a buffer from neighbors. The space to entertain. It is nice to have a large enough space to have outdoor parties. Also it is a status symbol for some. Others want the space for their pets. We really enjoy our yard. Spend a lot of time relaxing in it. We have a lot of trees and because of that many birds that are fun to watch. It helps us stay connected to the natural world.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 14 Feb
“Food forests” has a nice ring to it.
I think having a couple of plants in a garden would also improve social connections between neighbors for many people in the suburbs (who often commute and are rarely at home).
When you realize you have way too many tomatoes for your family to eat, you can just share them with your neighbors and that can be an easy way to get to know them better.
What is most interesting to me is how permaculture is a way of systematic thinking and designing systems for resilience and sustainability using many methods that come for native peoples and nature. I've learned a lot of cool stuff going down that rabbit hole.