Looking back at the people I went to Highschool with and became teachers ... it's quite disheartening. It's only the people who did not grow up. The people who care about being "cool" and only thinking about clothing brands and gossip about teenagers as if they still were one of them. People who never did something more challenging than 12th class math. People who were too afraid of doing something in their lives.
I think this is an inherent bias. How could we possibly circumvent this?
Get government completely out of schooling and the schooling will improve.
This right here
School system is outdated, It trains your mind to become a factory worker.
They never teach us to become leaders, and failures are considered bad according to our current system.
pay them more or allow their salary to float with market rates
Right. If teaching was a genuine career path then people who want a career and are successful would actually do it. And encourage kids to do so
yes the only reason school systems are terrible is that they are managed by gov officials and the actual teachers cannot adjust to the desires of the families they teach (the customers). Many private schools are incredible
End compulsory educations, and end copyrights which limit the freedom of information.
Inject more choice into education. It's about that simple.
Remove price control of teacher salaries and if we want to subsidize education do vouchers.
I think they just don't get paid enough right? Thus lesser talent available among them.
But also I think parents have to be way more proactive in their local community and push back against all the useless teachings and as a result fix some inefficiencies in the system. Demand more from educators, better monitor their kids, Open up their mouths and blast the educators, put them on notice and use the legal system framework to full advantage if ever needed. Make sure we push everyone hard towards STEM.... not force them... but inspire them way more to take up stem careers to compete with China and India in coming decades if we are to preserve our way of life that is
All schools should private and/or community run. Governments do an abysmal job of preparing people for life and skew incentives for the worst.
Get government out of education.
Get Unions out of education.
Need to develop human capital. The incentives to teach don’t make it worth the hassle for reasonably intelligent people to go into the profession.
I am sure private schools struggle finding top talent to teach our Youth.
I know lots of bitcoiners are on this homeschooling kick but that doesn’t scale for the masses and the poor.
If teaching becomes honorable like it was in the past it would fix a lot of the issues we see today.
Well, there was a time (in feudalist society) wherein a guild around a particular trade would train their wannabe craftsman how to actually be a craftsman. In those days, parents begged guilds to take their children (12 year olds who at the time really had the responsibilities of an adult) so that they might learn a skill and make a life for themselves. The guild system also protected people from their land owners as they were organized.
So I suppose, a sort of non company specific, but rather trade specific sort of Workers Union might find it to their benefit to educate young people.
As with bitcoin, the solution is probably to build around the problem. Luckily I think there is a deep bench of talent working on this, Saylor/Elon/Peter Thiel etc. I personally believe YouTube is the best educational resource on the planet and I hope we can find a way to make it censorship-resistant. We can and will educate ourselves as needed. Would not send my kids to indoctrination camp under any circumstances. Credit where it is due, political activists managed to completely capture our education system. Which means now there is a danger of the pendulum swinging the other direction as opposing team tries to re-capture. Young minds do not need to be polluted with that fiat bullshit.
In my country teachers are getting always more entertainers than teachers, due to a swap of the roles: now students rules in the class, you can't be severe with them because otherwise parents will come to school to condemn your severity with their sons. Or worst you can have legal issue. School now push students out also if they don't deserve and this will create a total disaster for the future, a generation of people with no skills.