Okay I will be the noob here. So they rolled 10 dice and derived a seed (256 bits) number from that.
What you're saying is that this wasnt enough randomness. Someone looked at the chain, saw the deposit to the address generated from that seed, and brute forced it?
Here's my question: the public btc address that was generated from that seed was generated from sek256 elliptic curve math, so how on earth did the attacker know it was a low entropy seed??
I can take 44 character number with very low entropy e.g. 1234321234...etc and it will generate an address like bc1etc. There's no way for me to know that address was a low entropy address....
So why was this guys 10/roll seed an issue??
Just a question
214 sats \ 0 replies \ @Krv 16 Feb
One could calculate the resulting seeds and addresses for all possible dice rolls up to a certain amount of entropy. Also, they can do that for other low entropy sources. Then, simply listen to the blockchain,checking for funds sent to those addresses.