For context, Justin Sun's announcement to build an "L2" on Bitcoin. After the 2017 shitcoin ICOs, seems like this year it's the VC-funded affinity scams...
163 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 16 Feb
Why do I keep reading "Let's make #Bitcoin fun again!"
Just affinity scam season time, right on cue?
Not sure why Bitcoin is supposed to be fun though. It's money, hard money. Nothing else.
My layers:
1 - Bitcoin 2 - LN 3 - eCash 4 - Fedimint 5 - shitcoins
This is going to have to be repeated a lot this cycle, i've already seen 11 so called layer 2s, everyone and their grandma is promising a zkrollup with a token and its going to get crazy for sure