Genuine question: who are these article written for? Is it for someone googling for NWC or are they for developers? Consumers?
Users connect wallets instantly or create a wallet account in no time.
Instantly is not an honest portrayal. When we have nostr wallet auth instant isn't as much of a stretch, but one-click-and-confirm is what someone should say about that.
Clearly for devs. Imagine if, say, the Craigslist app could, in an afternoon, add the ability to connect to a lightning wallet so users could pay each other. Or literally any other app that wants users to exchange value with each other or pay for in-app services.
I don't think it's clear which is why I asked the question. It seems like it's written for everyone which means it's too technical for normals and has too marketing speak for technical people.
219 sats \ 0 replies \ @joda 18 Feb
Yeah you're right, it's "marketing to devs"