“We need to basically create a parallel track of research and independent discovery that aren’t necessarily dependent on the U.S. government to provide us all the answers.”
-David Grusch
The Sol Foundation was founded August 2023 by Garry Nolan, Peter Skafish, and Dave Grusch 1 as a "new think tank to research the philosophical, policy, and scientific implications of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)." 2
In sum, the Sol Foundation’s mission is threefold:
  1. To help fund and set a clear direction for the initial 25 years of public research related to UAP, nonhuman intelligences, and the implications of their existence for human understandings of nature, society, technology, and politics. In this, the Foundation intends to be the leading source of the best scientific, intellectual, and policy research on the issue.
  2. To provide reliable, cutting-edge advisory research to the United States’ and other national governments as well as corporate clients. Sol will establish itself as and remain the foremost think tank on UAP: the source of the most informed and insightful policy recommendations available.
  3. To offer insight and guidance to the public on the cosmological and political implications of UAP. As humanity grows to understand that it is not the sole intelligence in the universe, Sol will share its perspectives on how humans might creatively respond to this new reality.
They've recently posted 17 brief talks on their YouTube from the first symposium in November 2023, these include:
All in all this seems like a good thing and the Overton window continues to shift. Funny that the shift in UFO disclosure seems to be in line with what's happening with the public perception of bitcoin.
In this X post by Lester Nare you can pretty much substitute "UAP disclosure" with "bitcoin." https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEFmB_HboAAn828?format=jpg&name=small
He even ends it with "It's time to build."


  1. Seems like Dave's profile was taken down a few days ago.