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It's not about Gary specifically, it's the general back-and-forth between camps.
People that are new will listen to both sides and decide for themselves what seems more rational for them, these debates mostly lead to nowhere in my experience; one side gets pissy at the other and in turn comes up with a point that pisses off the other side again and so forth... Hence why toxic and bitcoiner often find themselves mentioned in the same sentence.
I mean fuck, how did you and I end up on the pro-bitcoin side?! By devouring some goofy debates, or by reading-up and piecing the puzzle together ourselves?
I get that these debates have been valuable and important, but (again, imo) there'll have to be a time where we stop "defending" Bitcoin like some addicts and simply let it speak for itself; there's no better point one can make than having Bitcoin simply succeed.
There's no arguing against it.
how did you and I end up on the pro-bitcoin side?! By devouring some goofy debates, or by reading-up and piecing the puzzle together ourselves?
For me it was both honestly. I listened to MANY people debating between bitcoin and shitcoins and fiat. But everyone is different. When I start diving into something I look for dissenting positions. Steelmanning arguments, weaknesses, and tradeoffs.
I hear what you are saying and I agree with it to a point. But, my wife who is all in on bitcoin asked me the other day. What are the weaknesses or things that concern you about bitcoin. I haven't done a great job of writing about these types of things and writing is one of the best ways for me to form my thoughts about something. Gary's appearance was just a good opportunity to write out some responses to common objections. And as I say, are these really the best arguments against bitcoin? Of course not. Bitcoiners come up with better ones but these bad ones will not go away. I think to many bitcoiners actually just hand wave away many objections largely due to coming from a different world view from the beginning.
Enjoy the feedback and your perspective. I think I know what you mean and I for sure think that being reactive can be a waste of energy. It didn't feel like that for me. I'm sure others found value. I'm also sure many didn't or wouldn't.
Alrighty then, sweet, I also think that you get what I'm trying to say.