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Living in a strong-Church locality with medieval laws may help you avoid the bulk of this globalist policies' harvest.

I watched this morning a video from Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, where he raises the concern about climate change "having a disproportional effect on the physical and mental health of black communities", considering that "black Americans are more likely than white Americans to live in areas and housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues", according to his words. And he proceeds to affirm that "65% of black Americans report being anxious about climate changes impact".
For what I saw in that video, I'll use the same words subtitling the video, showing Robert DeNiro's face wearing a disbelief expression:
From the perspective I see, what the globalists puppets are doing is to foment a racial civil war inducing blacks to hate completely their own situation and blame the whites for that.
In the end we know the whole American society will lose this war, because although we know there are some individuals quite toward the extreme side of non-political actions in both sides, they are a diminute number ahead of the unbelievable amount of NPCs roaming everywhere, who will swallow throat-down such policies and cultivate this satanic crop until the harvest time for those policies arrive. And like what happens to everything under the sun, you can be 100% sure this harvesting time will arrive.
Coming this day it will be clear the modern politicians never changed from their roots when Democrat party supported KKK, but this time exposed more of their neck by shamelessly doing this psy-op. When the harvesting time arrives, the harvesters will judge what happened.
But the truth is everybody will harvest what the majority sowed. This is the cost of living in modern Rome.
On the other hand, those less blue-pilled are already doing what's needed to go along with their lives, which can be looking for and studying better places to be when SHTF. It may include learn a new language.
How wonderful it would be if the political evolution had been slower than the technological's. Living under medieval laws with a strong Church, and, at the same time, have the superabundance the present technology has proportionated. Wouldn't the world be a better place?
Inb4 "tHe ChUrCh HaS sLoWeD tHe TeChNoLoGiCaL eVoLuTiOn BeCaUsE oF gIOrDaNo BrUnO aNd GaLiLeO GaLiLeI", much of the technological advances we have today were discoveries of Catholic priests, like the father of the Big Bang Theory being a Belgian Catholic Priest, Georges Lemaître; or Gregor Mendel, known as the "father of modern genetics", being a Catholic monk, who "discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his monastery's garden.".
With that said, it's plausible to sentence that those who 'woke-up' from the NPC life, acting with wisdom and a true will to save his progeny from the misery of this coming harvest will look exactly for places where the Church is strong and a medieval rule is infused in the majority of the faithfuls' mentality, for the faithfuls, according to their faith, will be larger or lesser examples for the society around them, being their example maybe the only way for a smarter NPC to learn.
Following this thought, in the situation of an after-harvest, it's with a certain confidence that one can deduce places like described will flourish and their law and faith strength will prevail, while the most degenerated will have harvested harder.
This way, and having faith in Divine Protection, one can assure such places will suffer less in these globalist policies harvesting day, and will have the chance to combine in their Constitutions the medieval policies and the technological advances.
Sounds promising to me. What is your opinion?
It's definitely a way of life more immune to technological tampering, although that way by itself is and was not sufficient to keep us from getting where we are now.
Technology, free and decentralized information, followed by Bitcoin, is what will castrate the nation state, just like the printing press did to the church, and gunpowder to the feudal system.
The extreme measures governments are taking means that they are losing, and will lose. Nation state governance and patriotism will seem to our descendants just as ridiculous and pointless as self-flagellation and Indulgences do to us modern men.
I used to think that free decentralized information would do this, but I no longer believe this. We've had a lot of free info, and people consume it then figure out what to do with it for their own financial reasons. Greed is the enemy that free info won't fix.
That's the reason I said "whole American society will lose this war". It's about what will be done after the harvesting, not what led us here. A return not only to medieval laws, but to their way of living, mostly in terms of consumption, tolerance, punishment and education method, and at the same time not losing what we have now as technology advance, in my humble opinion, is a secure path to a more civilised society.
Going back to some things while conserving other things is usually the answer. The trouble is what the variables are that are plugged into that equation.