Redesign any Western Movie and turn it into Bitcoin Ad


This will be a special one! @AGORA got inspired by the amazing and amusing visual exploration made by @Scoresby, and ask us to challenge stackers to create a Bitcoin-inspired Wester movie poster.
For this challenge, you are a freelance graphic designer who has been tasked with turning any Western Movie Poster of your choice into a Bitcoin-Ad that will highlight and use some features of the protocol itself, its history and cultural values, the Lightning Network, eCash or any related material, as propaganda to onboard newbies and normies into this fascinating rabbit hole. 


Design a poster that is inspired by any classic western movie posters, but that also incorporates elements highlighting Bitcoin protocol, Lighting network or cashu eCash. The poster should be eye-catching and memorable, and it should accurately reflect the tone and mood of the film. Make sure to add catchy taglines, educational quotes and where possible, use the same or similar typographic fonts.
Extra Credit: Instead of just one poster, create a series of them. More posters you create, the bigger the reward you’ll get.


If you need help with this challenge, check out our hand-picked tutorial recommendations.


Not sure which tools to use? Try something new, go 💯% FOSS!
For vectors lovers
FreePlane (for everyone) by freeplane team
Akira (for Linux users) by Akira UX
PenPot (for everyone) by kaleidos
For bitmaps lovers
KRITA (for everyone) by KDE community
Pixlr Editor (online) by Pixlr
GIMP (for Linux users) by GNOME
For font lovers

Share Your Results

When you finish the challenge, post your work including anonymized collected data and results on this thread! If you also share it on nostr, be sure to use the hashtag #opendesigner and tag Design_r@iris.to or @Design__r on X! We'll keep an eye out and repost good examples on a regular basis.

Extra Bonus Surprise

We all do Value4Value here without expecting anything in return. That’s why sometime either a smile can make up our day! Read more about the reasons driving this specific challenge, there are gonna be great surprises for all participants. Stay tuned!

Check our previous ODC and support this community for creative minds, where you'll be able to get open and constructive feedback on your PoW. Ask anything in the ~Design territory and get some ⚡sats for the value you provide!

#Bitcoin #Design #BitcoinDesign #NostrDesign #Nostr #OpenDesign #DesignChallenge #OpenDesignChallenge #BitcoinWestern #Cowboys #Lightning #BitcoinBounty #WesternMovie #Movie #Poster #MoviePoster

Cool, what's the deadline? Just post it here on this thread? What's this about anonymized collected data?
Howdy @UCantDoThatDotNet! There's no deadline, the challenge will always be open to receive submissions. When you have it ready, post your final poster on this thread.
Oh, that is a standard for our challenges. In case you collect data from other sources and decide to share it here, make sure you clean the data from any personal detail it might include.
Let us know if you have any question.