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There are currently over 200k known zombie channels
Meanwhile, there is only about 40k active/open channels
LN has successfully reduced the BTC supply by giving noobs a new way to burn their sats.
BuT zOmBiEs aRe OnLy TeMpOrArY
Sure. And it's only a matter of time until Satoshi's stack gets spent too
If you are inexperienced enough to create a zombie channel in the first place, it is unlikely you also have a watchtower that will rescue your funds. Every day that a zombie remains a zombie is more evidence that it is likely burned.
There are currently over 200k known zombie channels
$ lncli getnetworkinfo
     [other cool facts]
    "num_zombie_chans": "227742"
Know the capacity?
The same old tired FUD. Boring.
Only two types of attacks.
(i) The first is a zombie attack, where a set of k nodes become unresponsive with the goal of locking the funds of many channels for a period of time longer than what the LN protocol dictates.
(ii) The second is a mass double-spend attack, where a set of k nodes attempt to steal funds by submitting many closing transactions that settle channels using expired protocol states; this causes many honest nodes to have to quickly respond by submitting invalidating transactions.
⚡️ Lightning Network is the best way.