Oh yes, many many times. It was a common occurrence, and still happens from time to time now. I had an 'abduction' type of experience in the spring of 2018. I do not have a lot of memories after losing consciousness. Prior to that, we had come home late one night, at the time we had lived in the middle of the woods (typical I know). There was an all black brand new truck blocking this very remote road. My husband told me not to look at them, but I couldn't help it, I did. A man was just sitting in it, all lights were off, I could see he was dressed in all black and had a type of head light on his head. We proceeded to drive around him nearly having to go in the ditch. I was pretty freaked out, but my husband just focused on getting inside. He told me not to focus on it and go to sleep. I fell asleep and woke up to a very bright light blinding me, and then I was out. I woke up the next day feeling like someone had beat me with a sock full of soap. I felt sort of sick. I have no idea honestly what happened, but the symptoms went along with an 'abduction' symptom...Not enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing. Did your husband have any of the same symptoms?
Well, he got mad and said 'fuck the fuck off'. He doesn't remember anything in particular except he said he felt 'crappy' the next day.