OK, while I have you,
... this is confusing
  • would be cool to start with a few sats to play with like stacker.news does
  • I'm not able to upload images from the create/upload screen
  • when clicking on the meme from the 'top' page, it goes to the meme's individual page in a new tab, and then i right click on it to open the image in a new tab again - all just to see the image in it's max resolution - maybe a little lightbox button next to it in the feed
  • i encourage you not to institutionalize the fallacy that saving a copy of a meme and sharing it elsewhere is 'stealing' in any way
  • above intended to be constructive :D
this is awesome. thanks for your feedback this is really great.
we're gunna add these to our notes and make some changes based on the ideas (when we have time, probably within a few weeks)
no response needed, do dev things and thank you!
we're importing your Nostr profile into zap.meme! You should be able to claim it here: https://zap.meme/p/nostr/UCantDoThatDotNet
let us know how it goes!
YESSSS, Thank You!
FYI I had claimed it before, so now it's sort of got a lot going on, not sure if this is typical: