If you don't want extreme levels of autonomy and ownership, and don't aspire to be a founder, join a medium sized company. It's the best of both worlds in many ways - equity that's more of a sure thing, not yet extremely bureaucratic, and you can still access the early founders/pioneers.
How do you define medium-sized? Certain company age? Certain employee count? Obviously it's all relative, but I'd be curious to hear your opinion on it.
100 employees or revenue is 100 million
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 20 Feb
I think that's actually a good rule for medium sized. I'm a little biased toward the tiny side of things so I was thinking more so small to medium rather than what is medium on an absolute scale.
I have a friend who works in private equity and he usually targets 100 million for investment then flip in 5 years
Series A or later probably, but it's hard to define exactly what medium means here. Ideally some traction/revenue to stand on. It's less employee count because there are mega-staffed super-early companies these days. Maybe it's a maturity level thing?
I once gave a talk at Cal along these lines. Back then I said it meant "profitable or nearly so" but times have changed some.