ive got a pixel 6a running graphene OS.. id like to get a 1 tb sd card to put in my phone, but in the past have had terrible luck with buying ones that arent terrible quality or falsely labeled.. Any recommendations of what brand to buy and from where?
Thanks ! 🤙
SD cards are always going to be slow but looking for the "A2 Application Performance Class" it will give you a tiny boost in "IOPS which is the most important metric for responsiveness.
...however I don't believe the Pixel 6a has an microSD card slot to begin with.
The crap shoot of SD card quality along with the headache of having a universal file system if you did remove the SD card has made it go the way of the dodo. Modern phone storage being significantly faster also didn't help things.
Anything SanDisk is your best bet. I've had nothing but good experiences with mini SD cards, regular SD cards, and my SSD in mu laptop is also a sandisk and they're all great. I've had this same 32GB mini SD for six years now through three phones, one windows phone and two androids and it has lived up been durable and never had to be formatted.
ok, and did you buy directly from manufacturer or amazon or something else?