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As developers begin to realize that Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters, they may begin to want to develop or maintain software for BTC / LN (instead of eth or sol or whatever shitcoin that underperforms BTC during every cycle).
Are there any resources for those who want to contribute to the open source Bitcoin community?
What does the btc community really need but doesn't have?
How do we understand consensus, something that is really hard to achieve amongst btc contributors?
  1. Begin learning the protocols quite well. I recommend Chaincode ... If you don't like classes/accountability/mentorship, you can self-teach using their materials: https://chaincode.gitbook.io/seminars/.
  2. Subscribe to the mailing lists: lightning-dev, bitcoin-dev
  3. Participate in the Bitcoin Core Review Club ... lnd and core lightning have review clubs too
  4. Join or start a local meetup
Oh, and honorable mention in the non-free category is https://www.base58.info/ which I haven't taken but goes deep on transactions AFAIK. Also in non-free there are many good books for self-teaching, like Jimmy's Programming Bitcoin.
Beautiful response sir. To add more value, I'm going to assume that some people may never have nor had knowledge on cryptography. But no fear fam', Christof Paar has 24 videos, explaining from zero (literally, zero) to hero (man-in-the-middle attack, certification stuff, etc etc).
The full 24 videos you'll find it in his Youtube's channel. And if you're a book-lover, check his book "Understanding Cryptograhpy", the pdf version is for free.
I'm almost done BloomTech and I have had my eye on Chaincode; looks like I'm on the right track haha! Thanks for all the valuable info, everyone!
How did BloomTech go? I remember when they went by the name Lambda School and you only paid after employment.
So it went beyond well, I'm glad I decided to take that first step into my development career, all of the content and teachers were very helpful in different ways and I learned tons.
They still have variable tuition options, it looks like they've now created 2 baskets, upfront payment or deferred payment (still the post-employment version as you mentioned). I felt lucky because in Canada I was considered a foreign student and paid a lower "international" amount upfront, so I won't have any baggage once I graduate.
P.S. I am the only one in my cohort interested in Bitcoin lol. We're still early.
Thank you for that seminar link.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
If you know how to code it is always always always helpful to have more eyes on finding bugs or performance optimizations in the code.
Also, writing more tests, battle test it with a test-evironment, create large-scale gatling simulators, answer to Issues on the github.
We always always always need products /setups to make bitcoin more accessible and easier to use. It's never easy enough to setup a node for non-tech people, never. (Pre-made products with everything installed, youtube videos on how to setup, blog articles on how to setup etc etc). Node-launcher has not been developed in 4 years.
If you're not a coder you also helping Bitcoin by simply running a node and getting the word out. Get people to download a wallet and pay for pizza together. Introduce people to SN.
lopp.net has a nice list of dev resources
Not much for developers, but Bitcoin Design is a great open design (open source for UX, UI, graphics, etc) community. There is one project regarding Bitcoin Core there