This is Chapter 10 From The Book The Rogue Scholar The Rogue To Victory. Chapter 9 is here.


Research File Sigma61422 Chimera Improvement Researcher 4at8769
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Abstract: It was hypothesized that by removing genetic module 45D67TR subsequent chimera procreational and sexual instincts would be nullified. In a test case involving a sample size of 80 chimeras in which we removed this module, it was found that procreational instincts and activities dropped to nearly zero. However, a confound was discovered during the process of this research involving the variable of mortality. A 100% death rate was achieved by removing the module within an estimated six months. It is unknown whether removing the module has brought this about, or whether by removing the module some other module is causing such a high mortality rate. Further lines of research include isolating and removing module 6578RT which regulates Telomere shortening, or perhaps module 456798YR which regulates the hormonal system.
Implication of findings: It is desirable when programming a chimera to have control over the subsequent replication and propagation of the production. Patent 96874rty on module 568976RYU guarantees that legally one cannot "reverse engineer" any of the chimeras created by this lab as such an intrusion would result in the immediate destruction of the chimera in question. It is possible, however, to breed a chimera which would lead to unexpected code permutations. Since chimera creation is protected under copyright, the person attempting to breed the chimera should at the least be expected to pay royalties for making a derivative work. However, if it were possible to ensure that no derivative work could be made, this would prove to be most desirable.
Our research centers on the genetic module 45D67TR in the hopes that removing it might allow chimera programmers exclusive control over their creations. Research indicates that this module is mostly responsible for sexual reproduction and sexual instinct. No rewrites have been able to duplicate the functionality this module possesses. It was not known prior to our research what the long-term consequences of removing this module entailed. Unfortunately, when this module is removed, it results in a 100% mortality rate for all chimeras in which it is removed. Though the chimeras in question have no sexual desire or need for intimacy, symptoms of death set in as early as three months.
Observation of chimera death indicates the initial stages involve a reduced motor control function. Chimeras in the beginning stages of decompensation cannot perform tasks involving fine motor skills. Three weeks after this, muscle rigidity sets in, and complaints of physical pain become predominant. One subject bit through his lip involuntarily as he clenched his teeth in an attempt to ameliorate the pain. Once rigidity sets in for a week, the flesh begins to "peel off". We had to place subjects in a sound-dampened room owing to the decibel level of their cries. We provided a variety of surfaces for them to sit on. It was observed that the corrugated surfaces caused a lot more "sloughing off" of skin than the smoother surfaces. After three days of skin loss, secondary infection began to set in as the chimeras had no protective layer against the outside world. Typically, the secondary infection resulted in death, although in more than one case the condition advanced to the final stage which involved organ liquefaction. Subjects were observed to be what we termed "Bloody skeletons". We used this terminology because once this process begins one could readily observe bone and blood and little else.
We include the following psychological interview with one of the male subjects as it is illuminating when this process takes effect. The interviewer shall be denoted with the letter I and the chimera with the letter C.
I: So how are you feeling today?
C: I am not sure.
I: What do you mean?
C: I cannot identify a feeling.
I: So would you like it if I poked you with a needle then?
C: I am not sure I would care.
I: (Holds up a picture of an attractive woman). What do you think of her?
C: I think the picture is nice.
I: Anything else?
C: (looks flatly) The image looks technically right.
I: Here is a needle and a small loop. Could you place the needle through the loop for me?
C: I can try. (fumbles with the needle ineffectively) I guess I can't.
I: What do you want more than anything else?
C: To be useful.
I: What would being useful mean to you?
C: I'm not sure that it matters.
I: Anything you'd like to ask?
C: Why are you interviewing me?
I: We just want to be sure we understand chimeras like you and what they are going through.
C: Buy why would you pick me? There are plenty of others.
I: We just randomly selected a chimera, and you were that one.
C: My skin stings.
I: It's probably just a minor irritation.
C: Maybe.
I: Don't you feel like you need a mate or companion?
C: No.
I: Why not?
C: I don't see what point there would be in that.
I: Don't you want company?
C: Not really.
I: Why not?
C: Why would you?
I: Well, thanks for talking with me.
C: You are welcome.
As can be seen, the desire for the chimera in question has been greatly diminished and his servile attitude is to be applauded. He only wants to be of use, which is the hallmark of excellent chimera creation as any other disposition results in diminished productivity as time is spent pursuing matters which are non-work related. If the physical death of chimeras could be limited--perhaps having say a loss of only fine motor control present instead--a new breed of chimera could be programmed that would be at once more servile than present models and at the same time less prone to tampering with unexpected genetic permutation. Even if the longevity of such a chimera were shorter, the advantages would far outweigh the loss of life.
Future Research: It is suggested that future research center on removing and tweaking other modules to see if their interaction with the removal of this module can offset the undesirable effects removing this module alone produces. If future funding can be found, we feel certain that we can produce a tamper-proof, more docile chimera.
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