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Today, the share of wealth held by the richest 0.1% is currently at its peak, with households in the highest rung having a minimum of $38 million in wealth. Overall, roughly 131,000 households fall into this elite wealth bracket.
With $20 trillion in wealth, the top 0.1% earn on average $3.3 million in income each year.
The greatest share of their wealth is held in corporate equities and mutual funds, which make up over one-third of their assets. Since 1990, their total share of wealth has grown from from 9% to 14% in 2023 — the biggest jump across all wealth brackets.
In fact, the richest 0.1% and 1% were the only two rungs to see their share increase since 1990.
Overall, the top 10% richest own more than the bottom 90% combined, with $95 trillion in wealth.

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Build homes, like China?
Real money fixes this, by destroying the fiat printers. It sounds too simple, compared to Keynesian rube-Goldberg gymnastics, but that’s it.
Nothing is going to be enacted, there’s going to be no justice, no fairness, when money is at stake. People will do anything for it. They will poison millions with fiat food, opiates, and vaccines, then profit again on the people who survive with weight loss drugs, psychiatric drugs, and heart drugs.
Pleading with the slave master is only going to end with a beating. Bitcoin is the gun we shoot him with while he’s sleeping.