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I put out a 1000 sat bounty yesterday on anybody that could lose at my Bitcoin Battleship game. That bounty is still unclaimed and I got over 1500 in sats from it, so I guess it's time to up the ante. 1500 sats to the first person that can send a screenshot showing that they outspent the fed in National Debt Snake!
My high score is $27 trillion and the fed's score is an up-to-date API request from the treasury, so best of luck.
1,500 sats paid
jasonb's bounties
Stuck at the pre-pandemic level for now. They spent like hell the last 4 years. $27 is pretty impressive considering the size of the snake's tail by that point.
I'm trying! Is it just me or does the snake grow on the head instead of the tail?
If you have two items next to each other and you orient your snake in such a manner to take both of them you skip the second.
Yeah, I've noticed that too and am not sure how to fix it. I think that it's still executing the eating function of the first one when you're going over the second one. The same is true of the sound effect as well.
I can't get above 18T I guess I'm just not cut out for this😔
I think I need a pep talk from Dick Cheney, Lindsay Graham, Barry O etc.
You're just too responsible. I hate to say it, but you're probably going to have to settle for a fulfilling, productive life.
32 best so far. but already like +50 tries :D. I will beat that
got it! 37t. but is there no win screen :D ?
Congrats! Yeah, there’s actually no winner when you’re wracking up debt…
Here’s another unclaimed game bounty I have. You also don’t get the bounty for winning this one though.
Nice, I love highscore hunting :D or any other competitive gaming. Will check it out
I can't even start it.
Your arrow keys should get things rolling. Let me know if that doesn’t do it.
Oh, so it's a "no" for mobile?
I made another game and it's (slightly) more mobile friendly. :)
I'm sadly no chess player, but I'm happy to see that you let me know regardless, thanks!
If there's something in the pipes that's more akin to the above posts, snake or doodle jump, let me know!
Yeah, for now. Sorry :(