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If you think that people who tell you that you've been lied to about most things are conspiracy Theorists, consider this:
February is the last month of the year.
September is seven October is eight November is nine December is ten
So when someone tells you that you are ignorant because you don't know anything about anything you can tell them that you sure as hell know that the calendar has been appropriated by people who also don't know anything.
February (n.) month following January, late 14c., ultimately from Latin februarius mensis "month of purification," from februare "to purify," from februa "purifications, expiatory rites" (plural of februum "means of purification, expiatory offerings"), which is of uncertain origin, said to be a Sabine word. De Vaan says from Proto-Italic *f(w)esro-, from a PIE word meaning "the smoking" or "the burning" (thus possibly connected with fume (n.)). The sense then could be either purification by smoke or a burnt offering.
The last month of the ancient (pre-450 B.C.E.) Roman calendar, so named in reference to the Roman feast of purification, held on the ides of the month. The Old English name for it was solmonað, which is said to mean "mud month." English first borrowed the Roman name from Old French Feverier, which yielded Middle English Feverer, Feoverel, etc. (c. 1200) before the 14c. respelling to conform to Latin. -- https://www.etymonline.com/word/February
this territory is moderated
I thought the numerical mismatch was from the Romans inserting July and August into the middle of the year.
Why did the end of the year get moved back? Christmas, I guess.
December 25 is the day the sun rises from it's lowest point of the year. 22,23,24 after it dies and then remains low.
12 works better with Astrotheology.
12 disciples...
12 astrology signs.
Isn't that Dec 21?
December 21 is the winter solstice, but the Sun's position, aka Horus, dies and remains in a very low horizon for about 3 days, then on the 25th he is born again.
Also other Astrotheology myths associated but we get Hour and Horizon from Horus.
In Spanish ¿Qué Hora es?
Literally, Where is Horus? Or What hour is it? More appropriate is where it's the Sun.
That's what I thought too.
Yes December 21 and 22 is the winter solstice and shortest day of the year depending on orbital eccentricity and axial tilt.
Correct over 50,000 years things have changed but man has tracked the great year 28,000 years twice in petroglyphs and cave paintings.
Basically within 10,000 years it was noticed that the Sun was in the lowest point in the northern hemisphere for 3 days. On the 25th the Sun was born to the new year and it began it's ascent into the sky.
By definition February means the end burning and it's the precursor to spring equinox. Janus, aka January is the two headed pass of the old year to the new year coming.
Originally, the Roman calendar started in March, making February the last month. When January and February were added later, their names reflected their position as the 11th and 12th months. Over time, the calendar shifted, but the month names retained their numerical roots.
Reason why February has the leap day?
The only real time clock is the time chain of Bitcoin. All fiat science is futile, capricious and a matter of opinion.
13 * 28 = 364
Yeah this is a good one. I would say that March, after Mars would be the first month due to your marching orders in that the winter is thawing and spring equinox is ahead.
I also think central planning is garbage.
And the history person in me would be very confused about dates.
So be it.
Thank you for this perspective.
Your citadel may have this calendar and those who wish to trade with you might want to become familiar with it. at day 365 we'll take the day off.
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