Hi Stackers,
I am have recently started contributing to Bisq with the goal of increasing awareness of their peer to peer platform to more bitcoiners that are interested in privacy and acquiring no KYC bitcoin.
Posting here in the hope that there are some Bisq users amongst the Stacker News community (??) that would be interested in getting paid to share their knowledge of Bisq with other bitcoiners.
The bounty is open to anyone that has a good enough understanding of Bisq to talk about it on a bitcoin podcast. The Bisq community is pretty privacy focused so hard to find someone willing to speak about it on a poscast. Posting here to get it in front of some more eyeballs.
The gist of the GitHib post is below for those that do not like to click links:


$250 (USD) per podcast


  • Interested contributor would reach out to relevant podcasters they would be happy to appear as a guest.
  • Arrange date / time for podcast recording
  • Record podcast
  • Wait till podcast is published
  • Submit compensation request to Bisq for their appearance
Ideally this bounty will lead to one or more potentially contributors being discovered that can be regular guests on relegated podcasts.
If anyone has any questions or comments ask below or contact me here or Matrix @solomon1923:matrix.org
First rule of Bisq: Don't talk about Bisq!
Yes unfortunately!!
I'll do it. You can message me on telegram at Amuna1225. I actually work on the radio industry and have live on air and podcast experience as well.
I'll do it. You can message me on telegram at Amuna1225. I actually work on the radio industry and have live on air and podcast experience as well.
I am not sure you would be a good fit with your dislike for on-chain bitcoin! Bisq in an on-chain p2p exchange. Trades often have to wait 10+ mins to a block to confirm.