Highly Paid Entry-Level — Jobs In Every State

Whether you're a high-flying college graduate, a career-changer exploring a new industry or just looking to gain some much-needed experience, finding an entry-level role with a good salary is worth persisting for. We've researched job ads in all 50 U.S. states to find the cities with the most and fewest junior roles above their state's median salary. Two major Midwestern cities - Iowa City, Iowa (87.7%) and Kansas City, Kansas (83.1%) are among the best for entry-level roles in America.
The anxieties around a first-job are immense: fear of the unknown, performance pressure, and the need to navigate new professional environments.
But good pay can help manage these worries. Lots and more has been written on which careers are the highest-paid, but how does geography factor into the equation?
To find the best U.S. city and state for well-paid entry-level jobs, NeoMam Studios visualizes data from Resume.io showing the percentage of local entry-level job listings that offer a salary above (and below) a city or state’s median hourly wages.
As someone who went to grad school in Iowa City, can confirm it is the best place on earth. That said, it was way easier to get a higher paid entry level job in a metro area with way more potential for job growth.