Bukele mentions that when talking to conservative friends in the US, they often say that the problem is high taxes. However, he claims this is not really the problem. While taxes are high in the US, they are not even fully funding the government.
He goes on to explain that the real problem is that the government is being financed by printing money through treasury bonds purchased by the Federal Reserve. The illusion is that taxpayers are funding the government, but in reality it is being funded by money printing.
Later he asks why the government collects taxes at all if it can just print unlimited money. The answer is that taxes are collected only to "uphold the illusion" that taxpayers are funding the government, when in fact it is money printing.
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And this is the most valuable piece of his speech: https://shares.sebastix.dev/RQJH32QW.mp4
The state long ago discovered there is top limit to how much tax the people will tolerate. This is why they go the money printing route. Its a beautiful scam. It works so well. Most people can't pay attention long enough to wrap their heads around it.
Thanks for clipping this.
@sebastix what do you use for file hosting? Looks like you self host it.
Feel free to message me privately btw.
Self host indeed! =) https://dropshare.app/
He's right about that. It is nice to hear someone say these words at a venue like this.
For the left of the curve people, he's a politician and I don't trust him but I can still like that he said what he said.