Now that the ~movies territory is gone, this is a post without a home.
When I first saw the trailer for Allied with Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard, I wasn't drawn to the film. I should have been. It was a war film with two pretty good actors, and I often run short of entertaining movies that aren't trash. Yet, it's been 7 years since it came out, and I have ignored every opportunity I have had to watch it.
Rewatching the trailer recently, however, has me very interested. Though, I cannot say it is for the right reasons.
I need your help to know whether or not this trailer seems as ridiculous as it does to me. Here's what I see:
  • The scenes at the start of the trailer, seem like a jumbled compilation of references to other period pieces of the same period, like Lawrence of Arabia (romance upon the dunes), Inglorious Bastards (mayhem at the banquet), and Casablanca (fugitive trysts on rooftops).
  • When the turn occurs (where the narrative takes a shift in tone), it's pretty heavy-handed. "That's insane!" yells Pitt in the bunker interrogation, and I wonder whether I just witnessed intentional overacting.
  • After the turn, the whole thing seems like a movie trailer within a movie, something of satire where Hollywood does a self-dig, like seeing movie footage in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood or Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
So am I right, or am I right?