I think the hostility only turns off people who are invested in other projects. The hostility like I tried to explain before is not so much about changing the mind of the person in question, but rather is much more about signaling to people who might be getting hyped up to think twice.
I've mentioned how shitcoins use Bitcoin as a recruiting mechanism. Maybe it will help to put it in this way.
Lets say you hosted a book club and you would like to discuss the literary analysis of "The Mocking Bird". Now lets say you get a bunch of people who start advertising their sonic fanfiction at this book club or other self written literary works. It would be rude and extremely annoying and therefore unwelcome in a situation like this.
On the other hand, maybe seeking out a sonic fanfic club and stomping on their parade would be a little obnoxious. But the point is that a line in the sand needs to be created. Talking about Bitcoin, does not imply any other coin is welcome for discussion. That's generally speaking of course. I don't think stacker news seems to have this policy, but I think Bitcoin maxis are looking for ways to create barrier zones such as this and it just happens that twitter is a very public place where public perception has to be maintained.
Normies don’t have their money invested in other projects. They have it invested in other assets. Calling all other assets scams, and being very culty doesn’t help recruit more people to bitcoin imo.
We all want sound money, and have come to the conclusion that bitcoin is the best form of sound money. That’s what we should be focussing on as bitcoiners. Nothing else
What other assets? Are you under the impression that Bitcoin maximalists are calling housing a scam? Okay maybe a little bit, it is propped up by debt, but if you can get in at the tail end of a debt callapse its not so bad. Are we calling stocks scams? Well there are a lot of zombie companies that are propped up entirely by government subsidies and companies that are not profitable but are propped up by investor speculation (Amazon), but overall a basic S&P 500 stock portfolio over a 10 year period tends to beat inflation at the very least.